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Edinboro Course Reviews

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 414Light And Sound Design00000
ART 799Studio Exhibit00000
ART 351Intermediate Photography I00000
ART 215Metals II00000
ARED 305Field Experience I00000
ART 503Book Arts00000
ACCT 221Acc Info Sys00000
ARHI 558Contemporary Art00000
ANTH 375Cultural Anth00000
ART 327Corporate Id00000
ART 249Computer Animation I00000
APSY 724Assessment Of Behavior00000
ART 400Adv Comp And Fxs00000
MUSC 23025Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
ART 451Advanced Photography I00000
ARED 701Curr Iss/Art Ed00000
ART 751Sculpture 100000
ARHI 220Intro/Film/Video00000
BIOL 102Environmental Biology00000
ACCT 335Tax Acct/Adv Top00000
ART 102Design-3 Dimen00000
COMM 798Practicum In Communications00000
ART 231Painting 100000
ANTH 390Human Evolution00000
ART 321Screen Printing I00000
ART 301Principles Of Graphic Design00000
APSY 625Coll Consultation Educ Set00000
ART 338Inter Wood/Furnit00000
MUSC 13125Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
ART 372Scientific Illustration00000
APSY 781Statistic Meth/Ed00000
ART 406Adv Model & Texture00000
NURS 245Basic Nursing Care00000
ART 432Publication Design00000
ARED 425Arts Inclusion00000
ART 477Adv Sculpture00000
NURS 372Ace Mat/Peds Nsg-Cl00000
ART 702Seminar In Fine Arts00000
ARED 720Therapeutic Art Education00000
ART 770Studio Problems In Printmaking00000
MUED 322Mu for Young Chld00000
ARTT 735Group At Coun00000
ARHI 440Art History Seminar00000
BIOL 155Principles Biology II00000
ARTT 420At Media & Mat00000
ART 101Design-2 Dimen00000
ANTH 372Cultures/World00000
ART 106Drawing 100000
MUSC 13025Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
ART 221Printmaking 100000
ANTH 379Early Man/Old World00000
ART 232Painting 200000
ECED 725Content Elem Teach00000
ART 258Graphic Design Software00000
ANTH 465Broken Bones00000
ART 315Inter Ceramics00000
ART 305Typography I00000
ANTH 697Special Topics-Anthropology00000
ART 324Relief I00000
MUSC 06900Pep Band00000
ART 329Photo-Lithography00000
APSY 722Assessment In Sch Psych I00000
ART 346Graphic Novel00000
MUSC 23125Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
ART 354Animation III00000
APSY 727Psy Counseling/Interviewing00000
ART 377Inter Sculpture00000
MUSC 13225Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
ART 403Alt Processes Animation00000
APSY 789Res II Seminar Educ Psyc Res00000
ART 410Advanced Drawing00000
EDHH 420Strat/Asmts for D/Hh00000
ART 425Adv Printmaking00000
ARED 315Arts Curric. & Program00000
ART 438Adv Wood/Furnit00000
NUHL 250Health Promotion00000
ART 466Animation IV00000
ARED 650Strategy/Art Tch00000
ART 489Design Practicum00000
PSYC 114Med Cannabis00000
ART 566Gallery Managemnt00000
ARED 706Curr Dev/Art Ed00000
ART 742Painting 200000
SOC 114Cannapoli00000
ART 760Studio Problems/Ceramics00000
ARED 775Cum Exp In Art Educ00000
ART 780Studio Problems In Crafts00000
BIOL 425Geography of Water Resources00000
ARTT 710History & Theory Of At & Coun00000
ARHI 341Classical Art00000
ARTT 791Adv At Research00000
ACCT 320Interme Accntg II00000
ARHI 537Art Of India00000
ARTT 410Hist & Theo at & Coun00000
COUN 799Treatment Planning00000
MUSC 13625Applied Musc/Scottish Drum00000
MGMT 370Intro Mgt Sys00000
ANTH 610Anth Theory & Method00000
ART 313Sculpture Topic Metal Cast00000