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ACU Course Reviews

Abilene Christian University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 331Sculpture I00000
ART 434Sculpture IV00000
ART 444Painting IV00000
ART 456Graphic Design Portfolio00000
ART 458Interactive Design II00000
ART 494Senior Exhibition I00000
ART 101Introduction to Art00000
ART 111Basic Drawing00000
ART 213Figure Drawing II00000
ART 287Art for Elementary Teachers00000
ART 314Advanced Drawing00000
ART 318Illustration II00000
ART 362Ceramics II00000
ART 342Painting II00000
ART 352Typography II00000
ART 358Interactive Design I00000
ART 423Art History: 20th Century00000
ART 433Sculpture III00000
ART 443Painting III00000
ART 455Persuasive Graphics00000
ART 463Ceramics III00000
ART 464Ceramics IV00000
ART 495Life and Career in Art00000
ART 440ST: Graphic Design History00000
ART 112Figure Drawing I00000
ART 222Art History: General Survey II00000
ART 292Digital Art Photography00000
ART 317Introduction to Illustration00000
ART 325Art History: Christian00000
ART 341Painting I00000
ART 351Typography I00000
ART 353Identity & Brand I00000
ART 361Ceramics I00000
ART 425Art Theory00000
ART 105Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 453Identity & Brand II00000
ART 454Information Graphics00000
ART 457Interactive Design00000
ART 490Advanced Studio Problems00000
ART 106Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 221Art History: General Survey I00000
ART 291Intro to B&W Photography00000
ART 315Printmaking00000
ART 324Art History: American00000
ART 332Sculpture II00000