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Amherst Course Reviews

Amherst College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COLQ 233Singing Together: Sonic and Social Dynamics00000
COLQ 246Natives in Transit: Indian Entertainment, Urban Life, and Ac...00000
COLQ 332Cities, Schools and Space00000
COLQ 344Point/Counterpoint: Politics and Poetry00000
COLQ 234America's Death Penalty00000
COLQ 248Secret Lives of the Late-Soviet Stage: the Archive and the R...00000
COLQ 350Islanders Abroad in the Nineteenth Century00000
COLQ 105New Women in America00000
COLQ 240The Making of Dictionaries00000
COLQ 252Future People Puzzles00000
COLQ 342Hearing Difference: The Political Economy of Accent00000