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Amherst Course Reviews

Amherst College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THDA 113Action and Character44551
THDA 111The Language of Movement00000
THDA 117HContemporary Dance Technique: Intermediate00000
THDA 122HContemporary Dance Technique: Hip Hop00000
THDA 142HContemporary Dance Techniques: West African00000
THDA 209Contemporary Dance Technique and Repertory 3/400000
THDA 216HContemporary Dance Technique: Intermediate/Advanced00000
THDA 219HContemporary Dance Tecnique: Partnering00000
THDA 225HThe Craft of Speaking II: Spoken Expression00000
THDA 235Critical Moves: Performance, Politics and Activist Bodies00000
THDA 240Contemporary Fashion in a Historical Perspective00000
THDA 245Performance and Race00000
THDA 252Performance In (and Out of) Place00000
THDA 255Sound, Movement, and Text: Interactions and Collaborations00000
THDA 260Costume Design and Fashion History00000
THDA 263Scene Design00000
THDA 267Ensemble: Dancing in Community00000
THDA 272On The Edge: Writing for Performance00000
THDA 320Seminar on Opera, Operetta, and Musical00000
THDA 340Acting and Directing Studio00000
THDA 354Sound Design Studio00000
THDA 360Design Studio00000
THDA 370Playwriting Studio00000
THDA 400HProduction Studio00000
THDA 498DSenior Honors00000
THDA 499Senior Departmental Honors00000
THDA 112Visual Thinking: Materials of Performance00000
THDA 114Contemporary Performance: Case Studies00000
THDA 121HContemporary Dance Technique: Modern 2/300000
THDA 125HCraft of Speaking I00000
THDA 144HContemporary Dance Technique: Salsa Performance and Culture00000
THDA 213The Actor's Process00000
THDA 218HContemporary Dance: Repertory Project00000
THDA 222Adventures in Contemporary Drama: A Play is what I call a Pl...00000
THDA 232Collaboration in Theater00000
THDA 236Dissecting the Music Video: Dance, Image, and Representation00000
THDA 242Plays in Play: The Ensemble and the Playwright00000
THDA 249Partner Dancing (Intermediate Composition)00000
THDA 254Sound Design00000
THDA 256Performance of Identity in the College Classroom00000
THDA 261Lighting Design00000
THDA 266Ensemble: Dancing in Community00000
THDA 270Playwriting I00000
THDA 275Her Story Is: Feminist Approaches to Theater and Performance00000
THDA 335The Play of Ideas00000
THDA 353Performance Studio00000
THDA 355Solo Performance: Movement, Text, Sound, Video00000
THDA 363Design Studio II00000
THDA 390Narrative Choreography00000
THDA 490Special Topics00000
THDA 498Senior Departmental Honors00000
THDA 499DSenior Honors00000