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APSU Course Reviews

Austin Peay State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MGT 3210Human Resource Mgt Online Instruction00000
MGT 4090Corporate Citizenship Online Instruction00000
MGT 4500Bus And Econ Forecasting00000
MGT 4900Special Problems in Management Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 5030Tech And Info Systems Mgt00000
MGT 5080Human Resource Issues For Mgr00000
MGT 5150Contemporary Leaders00000
MGT 5810Issues In Strategic Mgt00000
MGT 481LStrategic Management Lab Online Instruction00000
MGT 1110Introduction to Business Face-to-Face Instr Digital textbks...00000
MGT 3001Technology for Business Face-to-Face Instr Digital textbks a...00000
MGT 3110Org Behavior and Theory Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MGT 4001Professional Development Sem Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 3250Business Study Abroad London00000
MGT 3320Business Law I Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MGT 3610Entrepreneurship Online Instruction00000
MGT 3900Management Internship00000
MGT 4100Management Info Systems Face-to-Face Instr Digital textbks a...00000
MGT 4640Venturing Online Instruction00000
MGT 5000Applied Business Research00000
MGT 5020Mgr Use Of Financial Reports00000
MGT 5070Legal Issues In Hum Res Mgt00000
MGT 5140Leadership And Power00000
MGT 5010Business Foundations00000
MGT 1100Computers in Business Face to Face Instruction00000
MGT 2010Prin of Mgt and Orgnztnl Behav Face-to-Face Instr Digital tx...00000
MGT 3010Prin Mgt and Org Behavior Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MGT 3220Employment Law Video Cnfrncng at Sched Time00000
MGT 3300Social, Legal, Pol Environ Bus Face-to-Face Instr -Digital t...00000
MGT 3330Business Law II Online Instruction00000
MGT 3630Creativity and Ideation Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MGT 3640Business Modeling Online Instruction00000
MGT 4010Evolution of Mgt Thought Online Instruction00000
MGT 4110International Management Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 4810Strategic Management Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 440IManagement Internship Studnt Tchng/field super/co-op00000
MGT 5040Leader And Organiz Dynamics00000
MGT 5090Corporate Citizenship00000
MGT 5210Emerging Issues In Management00000
MGT 490CSpecial Problems00000
MGT 1200Business Info Technology Face to Face Instruction00000
MGT 3002Ethics and Divrsty in Business Face-to-Face Instr Digital tx...00000
MGT 3200Global Business Face-to-Face Instr Digital textbks and textb...00000
MGT 3230Staffing Organizations Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 3310Data Analytics and Statistics Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MGT 3410Production Operations Mgmt Face-to-Face Instruction00000