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APSU Course Reviews

Austin Peay State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MSL 401LAdvanced Leadership Skill Lab Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 4030Military Leadership Seminar I Independent Study00000
MSL 3020Tactical Leadership II Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 2010Intro to Tactical Skills I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 1000Army Physical Fitness Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 301LTactical Leadership Lab Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 102LMilitary Science Lab Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 4010Advanced Military Skills Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 2020Intro to Tactical Skills Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 1020Leadership and MGT Skills II Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 101LBasic Military Skill Lab Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 302LTactical Leadership Lab Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 201LLeadership and MGT Skills Lab Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 4050Army's Role in U.S. History Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 4020Advanced Military Skills Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 3010Tactical Leadership I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 1010Leadership and Mgt Skills I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MSL 402LAdvanced Military Skills Lab Face to Face Instruction00000
MSL 202LIntro to Tact Skills II Lab Face to Face Instruction00000