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APSU Course Reviews

Austin Peay State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUS 4890String Group Instruction Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1150Applied Organ LD00000
MUS 1339Applied String Bass 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 3724Horn Choir Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1760Clarinet Choir Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5750Orchestra Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5505Instrumental Pedagogy Independent Study00000
MUS 3940Opera Workshop Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1480Applied Guitar LD Independent Study00000
MUS 4460Music of Many Cultures Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 3480Applied Guitar UD Independent Study00000
MUS 3010Music History I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5420Symphonic Literature00000
MUS 4320Guitar Literature00000
MUS 3600Wind Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5265Instr Methds for Children Mus Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1058Ear Training I Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5840Applied Cello G Independent Study00000
MUS 1713Trio Video Conferencing Instruction at Scheduled Time00000
MUS 1330Applied String Bass LD Independent Study00000
MUS 4280Piano Pedagogy Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1712String Quartet Face to Face and Online Instruction00000
MUS 1990Guitar Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 2156Ear Training IV Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 4900Directed Study Independent Study00000
MUS 3430Applied Trumpet UD Independent Study00000
MUS 3300Applied Violin UD Independent Study00000
MUS 5300Applied Violin G Independent Study00000
MUS 3640Symphonic Band Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3265Instr Mthds for Children's Mus Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 3980Percussion Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5525Latin/English Diction for Sing Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 4450Opera Literature Face to Face and Online Instruction00000
MUS 1489Guitar-1/2 Hr Indiv Instr Independent Study00000
MUS 5065Teachng Thry and Aural Skills-Online Instruction00000
MUS 5930Graduate Recital Independent Study00000
MUS 5375Graduate Arioso & Recitative00000
MUS 3721Brass Quintet Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5714Flute Choir Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1190Music Theory II00000
MUS 1002Fundamentals Of Music Theory00000
MUS 1340Applied Saxophone LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1209Applied Voice 1/2 Hour Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1420Applied French Horn LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1450Applied Euphonium LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1724Horn Choir Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1609Concert Band00000
MUS 4370Art Song Literature Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1716Double Reed Ensemble00000
MUS 1389Applied Oboe 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1980Percussion Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 4550Music for the Band Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 2195Aural Skills IV00000
MUS 2155Music Theory IV Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 3101Guitar Styles I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5055History and Phil of Music Edu00000
MUS 3410Bassoon-Indiv Instruction00000
MUS 3350Orchestra00000
MUS 5250Alexander Technique Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3450Applied Euphonium UD Independent Study00000
MUS 3109Piano-1/2 Hr Indiv Instruction00000
MUS 3510Music Entrepreneurship00000
MUS 5360Elementary Music Literature Face to Face and Online Instruct...00000
MUS 3715Woodwind Quintet00000
MUS 1459Applied Euphonium 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 3860Guitar Pedagogy Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5480Applied Guitar G Independent Study00000
MUS 4250Psychology of Music Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 3470Applied Percussion UD Independent Study00000
MUS 4380Choral Methods Video Cnfrncng at Sched Time00000
MUS 5710Chamber Singers Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 4525Latin/English Diction for Sing Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1300Applied Violin LD Independent Study00000
MUS 5020Directed Studies in Music00000
MUS 5860Applied Saxophone G00000
MUS 5160Tech in Music Classroom- Independent Study00000
MUS 3713Trio Video Conferencing Instruction at Scheduled Time00000
MUS 5320Guitar Literature00000
MUS 525AProfessional Dev in Music Educ00000
MUS 5440Applied Trombone00000
MUS 1610Pep Lab Band Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5600Wind Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1155Music Theory II Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5780Percussion Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3810Choral Conducting Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5920Applied Trumpet G Independent Study00000
MUS 1309Applied Violin 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1057Music Theory I Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1156Ear Training II Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1169Piano for Adult Beginners Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1380Applied Oboe LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1310Applied Viola LD Independent Study00000
MUS 4200Music Therapy Research Methods Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1349Applied Saxophone 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 4251Alexander Technique Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1469Applied Tuba 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1370Applied Flute LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1515Governor's Singers00000
MUS 4330Music Before 1750 Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1640Symphonic Band Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1930Jazz Band Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1715Woodwind Quintet00000
MUS 4385African American Contributions to Art Music Face to Face and...00000
MUS 1723Trombone Choir Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1180Theory I00000
MUS 1940Opera Workshop Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 4523German Diction for Singers Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 2055Music Theory III Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 2056Ear Training III Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 2185Aural Skills III00000
MUS 4800Clarinet/Saxophone Group Instr Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 2260Introduction to Music Therapy Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1410Applied Bassoon LD Independent Study00000
MUS 3080Music for Elementary Teachers00000
MUS 5010Directed Studies in Music Independent Study00000
MUS 3200Applied Voice UD Independent Study00000
MUS 2200Popular World Music Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3320Cello-Indiv Instruction00000
MUS 5100Applied Piano G Independent Study00000
MUS 3399Clarinet-1/2 Hr Indiv Instr00000
MUS 3380Applied Oboe UD00000
MUS 5200Applied Voice G Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3420Applied French Horn UD Independent Study00000
MUS 3070Instrctnl Strat for Mus Clsrm Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3440Applied Trombone UD Independent Study00000
MUS 5270Vocal Pedagogy Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 3460Applied Tuba UD Independent Study00000
MUS 1440Applied Trombone LD Independent Study00000
MUS 3500University Choir Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5330Music Before 1750 Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3609Concert Band00000
MUS 3209Voice-1/2 Hr Indiv Instruction00000
MUS 3712String Quartet Face to Face and Online Instruction00000
MUS 5380Choral Methods Video Cnfrncng at Sched Time00000
MUS 3719Trumpet Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1200Applied Voice LD Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3800Basic Conducting Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5450Opera Literature Face to Face and Online Instruction00000
MUS 3910Chamber Singers Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3275Music Therapy Practicum 2 Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 4120Music Analysis 2 Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5522Italian Diction for Singers00000
MUS 4270Vocal Pedagogy Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1470Applied Percussion LD Independent Study00000
MUS 4340Music from 1750 to 190000000
MUS 5630Marching Band Other Non-conventional Media00000
MUS 4420Symphonic Literature00000
MUS 3515Governor's Singers00000
MUS 4522Italian Diction for Singers00000
MUS 5723Trombone Choir00000
MUS 4790WW Flute/DBL Reed Grp Instr Face to Face and Online Instruct...00000
MUS 1127Class Piano II Video Cnfrncng at Sched Time00000
MUS 4950Senior Recital Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5810Orchestration00000
MUS 5050Contemporary Issues Music Edu Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3700Collaborative Piano UD Independent Study00000
MUS 5120Composition00000
MUS 5890Applied Clarinet G Independent Study00000
MUS 5215Music Pedagogy in Practice Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1550Applied Composition LD Independent Study00000
MUS 5290Guitar Pedagogy Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5990Thesis00000
MUS 5350Music after 1900 Face to Face and Online Instruction00000
MUS 3716Double Reed Ensemble00000
MUS 5390Choral Literature Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1040Intro to Music Theory I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5470Applied Percussion G Independent Study00000
MUS 1329Applied Cello 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 5524French Diction for Singers Face to Face and Online Instructi...00000
MUS 1109Applied Piano 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 5700Collaborative Piano G Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3750Orchestra Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5740Opera Workshop Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1170Class Piano 200000
MUS 5800Advanced Conducting Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1700Collaborative Piano LD Face-to-Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5900Indiv Instr Bassoon00000
MUS 1210Class Guitar I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 5960Indiv Instr Baritone00000
MUS 3890Brass Group Instruction Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 1030Introduction to Music Face-to-Face Instr Digital textbks and...00000
MUS 1320Applied Cello LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1100Applied Piano LD Independent Study00000
MUS 1050Intro to Music Theory 2 Video Cnfrncng at Sched Time00000
MUS 1160Class Piano I00000
MUS 1350Orchestra00000
MUS 1185Aural Skills I00000
MUS 3990Guitar Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1270Alexander Technique00000
MUS 1399Applied Clarinet 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1319Applied Viola 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1719Trumpet Ensemble Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1439Applied Trumpet 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 1027Class Piano I Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 1060Recital Attendance Independent Study00000
MUS 1195Aural Skills II00000
MUS 1429Applied French Horn 1/2 Hour Independent Study00000
MUS 2270Music Therapy Methods 1 Face to Face and Online Instr00000
MUS 5140Marching Band Techniques Face-to-Face Instruction00000
MUS 3390Applied Clarinet UD Independent Study00000