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APU Course Reviews

Azusa Pacific University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 466Commercial Photography45332
ART 471Sculptural Processes00000
ART 111Printmaking: Serigraph00000
ART 621Art Education Master's Capstone I00000
ART 605Modernism and the Museum00000
ART 594Independent Studio00000
ART 590Independent Studio00000
ART 581Critique00000
ART 575Writing Art Criticism00000
ART 560Reading and Translating French00000
ART 550History of 19th-Century Art, Criticism, and Theory00000
ART 520Critical Issues in Art II00000
ART 504Contemporary Issues in Art Education00000
ART 496Senior Seminar: Art Ethics00000
ART 475Art Internship00000
ART 130Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 465Photographic Processes00000
ART 452Exhibition Capstone00000
ART 450Portfolio00000
ART 440Drawing and Painting III00000
ART 413Multicultural Art Processes00000
ART 403Multicultural Art00000
ART 383Graphic Design II00000
ART 362History of Renaissance to Rococo Art and Architecture00000
ART 358History of Graphic Design and Illustration00000
ART 350Illustration00000
ART 330Figurative Lab00000
ART 311Sculptural Objects and Functional Art00000
ART 301Time Based Media00000
ART 447Animation Processes00000
ART 622Art Education Master's Capstone II00000
ART 610Critical Issues in Art III00000
ART 595Independent Studio00000
ART 591Independent Studio00000
ART 582Critique00000
ART 576History of Modern and Contemporary Sculpture00000
ART 565Methodologies of Art History00000
ART 555History of 20th-Century Art, Criticism, and Theory00000
ART 545Directed Experience00000
ART 512Artistic Growth and Human Development00000
ART 503Foundations of Art Education00000
ART 495Special Topics in Art00000
ART 470Sculpture IV00000
ART 455New Genre Art Forms Processes00000
ART 253New Genre Art Forms II00000
ART 430Applied Design00000
ART 406Ceramic Studio Processes00000
ART 384Interactive Design00000
ART 365Printmaking III00000
ART 359Women In Art00000
ART 354History of Ancient Art and Architecture00000
ART 335New Genre Art Forms III00000
ART 312Secondary Art: Methods, Materials, and Curriculum00000
ART 305Ceramics III00000
ART 260Photography II00000
ART 230Figurative Lab00000
ART 206Ceramics II00000
ART 150Introduction to Art00000
ART 445Drawing and Painting Processes00000
ART 250Photography I00000
ART 225New Genre Art Forms I00000
ART 210Printmaking: Relief00000
ART 160Photography I00000
ART 135Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 115Using Digital Media in a Visual World00000
ART 105Ceramics I00000
ART 697Special Topics00000
ART 618Master's Capstone I00000
ART 603Methods in Art Education Research00000
ART 593Independent Studio00000
ART 585Critique00000
ART 577Visual Culture00000
ART 270Sculpture II00000
ART 431Gallery Design00000
ART 390Three-Dimensional Animation I00000
ART 382Webpage Design I00000
ART 361History of Early Christian and Medieval Art and Architecture00000
ART 357History of Contemporary Art and Architecture00000
ART 341Painting III00000
ART 315Printmaking II00000
ART 310Fundamental Art Experiences00000
ART 281Graphic Design I00000
ART 240Drawing and Painting II00000
ART 211Printmaking: Serigraph00000
ART 170Sculpture I00000
ART 145Drawing I00000
ART 511Curriculum and Planning in Art Education00000
ART 221Production for Print Design00000
ART 205Ceramics I00000
ART 146Painting I00000
ART 125New Genre Art Forms I00000
ART 625Master's Capstone II00000
ART 615Modernism and Religion00000
ART 600Regional Modernism00000
ART 592Independent Studio00000
ART 583Critique00000
ART 580Critique00000
ART 570Theories and Practices of Abstraction00000
ART 553Art History and Museum Education: 19th-century Europe and Am...00000
ART 530Graduate Studio: Special Topics I00000
ART 120Introduction to Computer Graphics00000
ART 501Integration: Theory and Practice I00000
ART 481Graphic Design IV00000
ART 460Photography IV00000
ART 446Graphic Design Processes00000
ART 425New Genre Art Forms IV00000
ART 386Multimedia I00000
ART 385Graphic Design III00000
ART 370Sculpture III00000
ART 360Photography III00000
ART 356Writing 3: History of Modern Art and Architecture00000
ART 340Drawing and Painting II00000
ART 313Traditional & Stop Motion Animation00000
ART 306Ceramics IV00000