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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AGB 420Food Advertising and Promotion00000
AGB 792Research (RSC)00000
AGB 702Adv AGB II: Applied Econometr (LEL)00000
AGB 499Individualized Instruction00000
AGB 492Honors Directed Study00000
AGB 452Global Food&Agricultural Trade00000
AGB 425Food Supply Networks00000
AGB 410Agribusiness Management00000
AGB 321Agribusiness Marketing00000
AGB 216Subsectors US Food & Agricul00000
AGB 791Seminar (SEM)00000
AGB 701Adv AGB I: Adv AGB Analysis (LEL)00000
AGB 494Topic: Business of Beer00000
AGB 481Strategic Pricing in Food Mkts00000
AGB 445Food Retailing00000
AGB 215Fundamentals US Food & Agricul00000
AGB 394Topic: Current Topics in Food Retaili00000
AGB 302International Mgt and Agribus00000
AGB 100Introduction to Agribusiness00000
AGB 799Dissertation (RSC)00000
AGB 790Reading and Conference00000
AGB 703ADV AGB III: ADV Empirical Mo (SEM)00000
AGB 595Continuing Registration00000
AGB 493Honors Thesis00000
AGB 484Internship00000
AGB 456Food Prod Innovation and Dev00000
AGB 435Commodity Future and Opt Mkts00000
AGB 414Food and Agribus Policy Issues00000
AGB 333Agribusiness Finance00000
AGB 250Resource Allocation00000