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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ASB 222Buried Cities and Lost Tribes44331
ASB 101Anth: Undrstding Human Dvsty55331
ASB 327Disaster!44331
ASB 376Global Health Policy00000
ASB 408Advanced Evolutionary Medicine00000
ASB 378Globalization00000
ASB 375Humans and the Environment00000
ASB 370Ethics of Eating00000
ASB 366African Archaeol: Precolonial00000
ASB 361Pleistocene Archaeology00000
ASB 357Society and Drugs00000
ASB 353Death&Dying Cross-Culturl Prsp00000
ASB 348The Borders of Language00000
ASB 345Culture&SocietyTransformation00000
ASB 340Migration and Culture00000
ASB 337Pyramids and Hieroglyphs00000
ASB 335Ancient Ruins of the Southwest00000
ASB 330Understanding Archaeology00000
ASB 326Human Impacts on Ancient Envir00000
ASB 322Peoples of Latin America00000
ASB 316Money and Culture00000
ASB 310Precolonial Africa00000
ASB 301Global History of Health00000
ASB 294Topic: Introduction to Evolutionary Medicine00000
ASB 252Sports and Culture00000
ASB 230Beginning Social Research00000
ASB 504Global Health Policy00000
ASB 795Continuing Registration00000
ASB 790Reading and Conference (REC)00000
ASB 592Research (RSC)00000
ASB 591Topic: Ethnographies of Migration (SEM)00000
ASB 584Topic: Student Outbreak Response Team00000
ASB 580Topic: Graduate Teaching Seminar00000
ASB 574Exhibit Design and Development00000
ASB 572Museum Collection Management00000
ASB 567Southwestern Archaeology00000
ASB 541Theory in Sociocultural Anthro00000
ASB 530Chngng Human-Nature Relatnshp00000
ASB 510Health: Social BioculturalThry (SEM)00000
ASB 383Religion and Sports00000
ASB 501Professionalism (SEM)00000
ASB 499Individualized Instruction (IND)00000
ASB 498Topic: Research Design in Evolutionary Medicine00000
ASB 492Honors Directed Study (RSC)00000
ASB 484Internship00000
ASB 464Ethnography Mexico & Bordrlnds00000
ASB 462Medical Anthro: Culture/Health00000
ASB 452Commnty Partnrshps Global Hlth (PRA)00000
ASB 442Global Cities (LEL)00000
ASB 421Education and Society00000
ASB 202Imm & Ethnic Relations in US00000
ASB 333Frauds, Myths and Mysteries00000
ASB 380Language, Culture & Gender00000
ASB 371Language Hegemony and Culture00000
ASB 368Hunter-Gatherers00000
ASB 362People and Plants00000
ASB 358Yoruba Atlantic00000
ASB 355Trad Medicine and Healing00000
ASB 350Anthropology and Art00000
ASB 346Marriage and Family Diversity00000
ASB 343Latinas/os and the Environment00000
ASB 339Grassroots Social Movements00000
ASB 336African Art00000
ASB 394Topic: Applying Anthropology00000
ASB 325Peoples of Southeast Asia00000
ASB 319The North American Indian00000
ASB 311Prin of Social Anthropology00000
ASB 305Poverty and Global Health00000
ASB 300Food and Culture00000
ASB 275Culture, Language & Learning00000
ASB 250Intro to Evolution & Medicine00000
ASB 223Aztecs, Incas and Mayas00000
ASB 220Exprsv Cltr Latin Am/Caribbean00000
ASB 210Human Sexuality: Anth Perspect00000
ASB 102Intro to Cultural Anthropology00000
ASB 525Intro to Material Culture (SEM)00000
ASB 100Introduction to Global Health00000
ASB 799Dissertation (RSC)00000
ASB 792Research (RSC)00000
ASB 598Topic: Maternal and Child Health00000
ASB 590Reading and Conference (REC)00000
ASB 583Fieldwork00000
ASB 579Critical Issues/Museum Studies (SEM)00000
ASB 573Museum Administration00000
ASB 568Intrasite Research Strategies00000
ASB 560Theory and Archaeology (SEM)00000
ASB 537Topics/Mesoamerican Archaeolog00000
ASB 211Women in Other Cultures00000
ASB 507Advanced Evolutionary Medicine00000
ASB 503Medical Anthropology00000
ASB 500Topic: Research Design for Social and Behavioral Sciences00000
ASB 494Topic: Maternal and Child Health00000
ASB 493Honors Thesis (RSC)00000
ASB 490Earliest Cities00000
ASB 466Peoples and Cultures of Africa00000
ASB 463Politic Ecology of the Border00000
ASB 455Practicum for Soc Sci (PRA)00000
ASB 447Citizenship/Natlism/Identity00000
ASB 412History of Anthropology00000