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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 340General Genetics11111
BIO 360Animal Physiology11511
BIO 181General Biology I41551
BIO 361Animal Physiology Laboratory (LAB)11331
BIO 408Advanced Evolutionary Medicine00000
BIO 352Lab in Vertebrate Dev Anatomy (LAB)00000
BIO 353Cell Biology00000
BIO 355Intro to Computation Molec Bio (LEL)00000
BIO 385Comparat Invertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 389SOLUR Scholar (SEM)00000
BIO 394Topic: Dog Behavior00000
BIO 403Evolution Medicine & Glbl Hlth00000
BIO 432Why People Steal,Cheat,and Lie00000
BIO 411Quant Methods in Conserv & Eco (LEL)00000
BIO 414Rsch Colloquium/Bio/Society II00000
BIO 416Biomedical Research Ethics (SEM)00000
BIO 420Immun: Molecular&Cell Foundtns00000
BIO 422Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIO 425Marine Conservation Ecology00000
BIO 429Human Impacts: Ecosys Function00000
BIO 439Computing for Research00000
BIO 310Special Problems & Techniques (IND)00000
BIO 113Dinosaurs00000
BIO 130Intro to Environmental Science00000
BIO 140Grk&Lat Roots Biosctfc Trmnlgy (LEL)00000
BIO 151Biological Thinking00000
BIO 160Intro. to Anatomy & Physiology00000
BIO 182General Biology II00000
BIO 194Topic: The College Early Start- BioBridge00000
BIO 304Plants and Civilization00000
BIO 308Plant Physiology00000
BIO 345Evolution00000
BIO 312Bioethics00000
BIO 314Rsch Colloquium/Biology/Soc I00000
BIO 316Hist Bio:Conflicts&Controversy00000
BIO 318History of Medicine00000
BIO 321Introductory Ecology Lab (LAB)00000
BIO 324Environmental Ethics00000
BIO 331Animal Behavior00000
BIO 342General Genetics Laboratory (LAB)00000
BIO 592Research (RSC)00000
BIO 527Environ Ethics & Policy Goals (SEM)00000
BIO 530Scientific Teaching00000
BIO 539Computing for Research00000
BIO 545Populations Evolution Genetics00000
BIO 549Phylogenetic Biology&Analysis (LEL)00000
BIO 552Developmental Genetics00000
BIO 570Fundamentals of CAS Science (SEM)00000
BIO 583Fieldwork (PRA)00000
BIO 590Reading and Conference (RSC)00000
BIO 522Populations: Evolutionary Ecol00000
BIO 595Continuing Registration (RSC)00000
BIO 598Topic: PREP for Biomedical Research00000
BIO 610Intro Resp Conduct Research (REC)00000
BIO 614Biometry (LEL)00000
BIO 620Research Prospectus Writing (SEM)00000
BIO 784Internship (PRA)00000
BIO 791Seminar (SEM)00000
BIO 795Continuing Registration (RSC)00000
BIO 492Honors Directed Study (RSC)00000
BIO 100The Living World00000
BIO 443Appld Molecular Genetics/Genom00000
BIO 450Advanced Developmental Biology00000
BIO 461Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIO 467Neurobiology00000
BIO 474Herpetology00000
BIO 476Cellular & Molecular Neuro00000
BIO 480Methods of Teaching Biology00000
BIO 489SOLUR Fellow (SEM)00000
BIO 435Rsch Technique/Animal Behavior00000
BIO 494Topic: Advanced Study Practicum: Laboratory Assistance00000
BIO 496Undergraduate Thesis (RSC)00000
BIO 499Individualized Instruction (IND)00000
BIO 503Bioimaging Lab (LAB)00000
BIO 507Advanced Evolutionary Medicine00000
BIO 514Statistical Models for Biology (LEL)00000
BIO 516Foundations of Bioethics (SEM)00000
BIO 519Physiological Plant Ecology00000
BIO 412Conservation in Practice00000
BIO 343Genetic Engineering & Society00000
BIO 351Developmental Biology00000
BIO 354Cell Biology Laboratory (LAB)00000
BIO 370Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 386General Entomology00000
BIO 390Medical/Dental Field Placement00000
BIO 400Topics in Neuroscience00000
BIO 407Novel Ecosystems00000
BIO 410Techniques ConservationBio&Eco00000
BIO 325Oceanography00000
BIO 415Statistical Models for Biology00000
BIO 419Physiological Plant Ecology00000
BIO 421Landscape Ecology00000
BIO 423Population & Community Ecology00000
BIO 427Fire00000
BIO 431Genes, Development & Evolution00000
BIO 434People-Nature:EcosystemService00000
BIO 436Sociobiology & Behavioral Ecol00000
BIO 303Plant Diversity and Evolution (LEL)00000
BIO 201Human Anatomy/Physiology I00000
BIO 202Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIO 230How Nature Works00000
BIO 250Intro to Evolution & Medicine00000
BIO 281ConceptualApproachBioMajors I00000
BIO 282ConceptualApproachBioMajors II00000
BIO 289SOLUR Researcher (SEM)00000
BIO 294Topic: Introduction to Evolutionary Medicine00000
BIO 302Cancer-Mother of All Diseases00000
BIO 440Functional Genomics00000
BIO 306Modes of Biological Thought00000
BIO 309Plant Anatomy00000
BIO 311Biology and Society00000
BIO 313The Flora of Arizona00000
BIO 315Science, Values, & the Public (SEM)00000
BIO 317History of Science II00000
BIO 320Fundamentals of Ecology00000
BIO 322Conservation of Biodiversity00000
BIO 597Capstone00000
BIO 531Adv. Scientific Teaching00000
BIO 543Molecular Genetics & Genomics00000
BIO 546Principles of Human Genetics00000
BIO 551Cell Biotechnology00000
BIO 568Stress and the Brain00000
BIO 578Environmental Leadership & Com00000
BIO 584Topic: Prison Biology Education00000
BIO 591Topic: SOLS Seminar Series (SEM)00000
BIO 593Applied Project (RSC)00000
BIO 528Human Impacts: Ecosys Function00000
BIO 599Thesis (RSC)00000
BIO 611Topic: Animal Subjects (SEM)00000
BIO 615Biology and Society Lab (LAB)00000
BIO 691Topic: Genetics and the Law (SEM)00000
BIO 790Reading and Conference (RSC)00000
BIO 792Research (RSC)00000
BIO 799Dissertation (RSC)00000
BIO 189SOLUR Apprentice (SEM)00000
BIO 495Undergraduate Research (RSC)00000
BIO 446Principles of Human Genetics00000
BIO 451Cell Biotech: Cell Culture (LEL)00000
BIO 462Endocrine Physiology00000
BIO 471Ornithology00000
BIO 475Adv. Human Anatomy (LEL)00000
BIO 477Systems & Behavioral Neuro00000
BIO 484Internship (PRA)00000
BIO 490Surgical Field Placement00000
BIO 493Honors Thesis (RSC)00000
BIO 112Discovery - Why Sex? (LEL)00000
BIO 498Topic: Botany (SEM)00000
BIO 502Trans Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 504Bioimaging00000
BIO 510Evolutionary Medicine00000
BIO 515Science, Tech & Public Affairs00000
BIO 517Uncertainty & Decision Making (SEM)00000
BIO 521Landscape Ecology00000
BIO 526Sustainability Science (SEM)00000