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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
IFT 166Intro to Internet Networking53451
IFT 410Big Data Tools and Practices (LEL)00000
IFT 101Info Tech Programming Logic (LEL)00000
IFT 103OS Architecture00000
IFT 194Topic: Introduction to Java Technologies00000
IFT 201Comp & Network: Organ & Admin00000
IFT 210Intro to Java Technologies (LEL)00000
IFT 250Intro to UNIX Utilities (LEL)00000
IFT 266Network Info Comm Tech (LEL)00000
IFT 301Web Programming for HCI (LEL)00000
IFT 310Info Systems Project Dev (LEL)00000
IFT 333Big Data Tools & Practices (LEL)00000
IFT 365Applied Programming Lang IT00000
IFT 370Mobile Computing & Apps for IT00000
IFT 380Advanced Systems Config Mgmt (LEL)00000
IFT 383Shell and Script Program/UNIX00000
IFT 593Applied Project00000
IFT 421Data in the Cloud Info Tech (LEL)00000
IFT 443Analyzing Big Data (LEL)00000
IFT 460Mnging Intel Device Entpr Env (LEL)00000
IFT 472Managing the Cloud (LEL)00000
IFT 481Information System Security00000
IFT 483Developing Security Policy (LEL)00000
IFT 488Systems Administration of UNIX00000
IFT 492Honors Directed Study (RSC)00000
IFT 494Topic: Managing Intelligent Devices in an Enterprise Env00000
IFT 520Adv Info Systems Security00000
IFT 540Info Systems Development00000
IFT 590Reading and Conference00000
IFT 595Continuing Registration00000
IFT 402Info Tech Capstone II (LEL)00000
IFT 102Intro to Java Technologies (LEL)00000
IFT 200Info Model, Store & Retrieval (LEL)00000
IFT 202Fdn of Info and Comp Sys Secur (LEL)00000
IFT 220Man Config & Active Dir (LEL)00000
IFT 259Intro to Internet Networking00000
IFT 300Intermediate DB Mgmt Systems (LEL)00000
IFT 302Fdn of Info and Comp Sys Secur (LEL)00000
IFT 320Managing the Cloud (LEL)00000
IFT 358Network Info Comm Tech (LEL)00000
IFT 360Applications in AI00000
IFT 366TCP/IP and Routing00000
IFT 372Wireless Fundamentals (LEL)00000
IFT 381Information System Security00000
IFT 401Info Tech Capstone I (LEL)00000
IFT 598Topic: Security Analysis00000
IFT 420Cloud Architecture Info Tech (LEL)00000
IFT 433Intermediate DB Mgmt Systems (LEL)00000
IFT 458Middleware Prog & Database Sec (LEL)00000
IFT 466Adv Computer Networks Info Tec (LEL)00000
IFT 475Security Analysis (LEL)00000
IFT 482Network Forensics00000
IFT 484Internship00000
IFT 489TCP/IP and Routing00000
IFT 493Honors Thesis (RSC)00000
IFT 510Princ of Comp & Info Tech Arch00000
IFT 530Adv DB Management Systems00000
IFT 584Internship00000
IFT 100Intro to Info Technology (LEL)00000