Professor Chapman, Bonnie Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Chapman, Bonnie / Fall 2024
Oct 5, 2024
Okay, so I have to be honest and say that the assignments are heavy because they involve a lot of writing and reading. Despite that, the class was actually fun. I thought I was going to hate this course because of the peer reviews (you'll be placed in groups and review each other's writings) and needing to have a Trusted Writer (I used an ASU online Writing Tutor) to review each main writing assignment. I learned a lot from this class and hope to use it even daily, so I don't lose these skills.
This course teaches you about Chunking, Layering, and Editing content so that it's more readable and easy to access. You'll get to show off any creative skills you have, but if you're not familiar with creature layouts, don't worry; neither was I.
The professor is extremely friendly. She encourages you to contact her if you're confused. We used Slack to maintain contact with our group and contact the professor. It was much nicer than having to email for everything.
MAKE TIME FOR THE ASSIGNMENTS. If you're doing this online, please try to get ahead. This way, you can turn in assignments, do minor editing after peer reviews and Trusted Writer reviews, and don't feel embarrassed if your assignment isn't up to your standards when you submit assignments for peer reviews. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something. Also, use outside resources to better understand things too!