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ATU Course Reviews

Arkansas Tech University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 1903Survey of American History00000
HIST 3563History of England00000
HIST 3513Europe Since 193900000
HIST 3443The Reformation and Early Modern Europe, 1500-168800000
HIST 3413History of Classical Greece and Rome00000
HIST 3273Digital History00000
HIST 3123The New South00000
HIST 3083The United States: 1945-Present00000
HIST 3033The Early American Republic00000
HIST 2513Sources and Methods in History00000
HIST 2043Honors United States History to 187700000
HIST 3613History of Japan00000
HIST 1503World History to 150000000
HIST 6993Thesis Research00000
HIST 6893Ind: History Of Japan00000
HIST 6433Readings in Modern European History00000
HIST 6053Historiography00000
HIST 6003Historical Methods00000
HIST 5403Interpretation/Education Through Museum Methods00000
HIST 4992Sp:Directed Rdng European Hist00000
HIST 4973Internship00000
HIST 4963Senior Seminar00000
HIST 3283Historical Editing00000
HIST 3281Grant Writing for Historians00000
HIST 4083American Diplomatic History, 1912 to the Present00000
HIST 6992Thesis Research00000
HIST 6543Rdg: World History Theories00000
HIST 6413Research Seminar in Modern European History00000
HIST 6033Readings in United States History00000
HIST 5983Social Science Seminar00000
HIST 4994Sp: Algonguian History00000
HIST 4991Sp: Directed U.S. Hist Reading00000
HIST 4714Social Studies Methods for Secondary Teachers00000
HIST 4813World War II00000
HIST 4503History of Christianity00000
HIST 4233American Political Thought00000
HIST 4193American Labor History00000
HIST 4153History of Arkansas00000
HIST 4123African American History00000
HIST 4073American Diplomatic History, 1776-191200000
HIST 4033The Frontier in American History00000
HIST 3803History of the Middle East00000
HIST 3603History of Modern East Asia00000
HIST 4993Sp: Indigenous Historiography00000
HIST 4983Sem: Local History00000
HIST 4953Ur:Stonewall Jackson 1860-186300000
HIST 4403Interpretation/Education through Museum Methods00000
HIST 4213Southern Women's History00000
HIST 4183American Legal History00000
HIST 4143Native American History00000
HIST 4103American Political Ideas00000
HIST 4023Vietnam War00000
HIST 3703History of Modern Africa00000
HIST 6013Sem Us: Cold War America00000
HIST 3483Reaction and Reform, 1815-187100000
HIST 3433The Renaissance and European Expansion, 1300-155000000
HIST 3323Modern Latin America00000
HIST 3243Archive and Manuscript Management00000
HIST 3103The Old South00000
HIST 3063The Gilded Age/Progressive Era, 1877-191400000
HIST 3023The Era of the American Revolution00000
HIST 2203Introduction to Public History00000
HIST 2013United States History since 187700000
HIST 3313Colonial Latin America00000
HIST 4293Historic Preservation00000
HIST 4203Women In American Hist00000
HIST 4163American History through Film00000
HIST 4133Latinos in the United States00000
HIST 4093American Culture Since 180000000
HIST 4013American Military History00000
HIST 3633History of China00000
HIST 3533History Of Russia00000
HIST 3463The Enlightenment, French Revolution, and Napoleonic Eras00000
HIST 3423History of the Middle Ages, 300-130000000
HIST 1543Honors World History to 150000000
HIST 3223Local and Oral History00000
HIST 3073The United States: 1914-194500000
HIST 3043Civil War and Reconstruction00000
HIST 3013Colonial America00000
HIST 2153Introduction to Arkansas History00000
HIST 2003United States History to 187700000
HIST 1513World History since 150000000
HIST 6991Thesis Research00000
HIST 6533Sem:Chinese-American Relations00000