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ATU Course Reviews

Arkansas Tech University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
INFT 5103Software Development00000
INFT 5403Introduction to Information Technology and Systems00000
INFT 5703Computer Networks00000
INFT 6203Database Development and Administration00000
INFT 6703Heterogeneous Networks00000
INFT 6983Thesis Research In Information Technology II00000
INFT 5053Information Systems Resource Management00000
INFT 5303Developing and Administering Web Sites00000
INFT 5700Computer Networks Lab00000
INFT 6013Decision Support Systems00000
INFT 6700Heterogeneous Networks Lab00000
INFT 6973Thesis Res/Inf Tech I00000
INFT 5203Database Systems00000
INFT 5503The UNIX Operating System00000
INFT 5983St: Human Element Cybrsecurity00000
INFT 6303Design of Web-Based Information Systems00000
INFT 6903Emerging Trends: Cybersecurity00000
INFT 6993Internship00000
INFT 5413Computer Systems and Architecture00000
INFT 6403Information Systems Analysis and Design00000