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ATU Course Reviews

Arkansas Tech University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MCEG 4343Internal Combustion Engines00000
MCEG 5413Finite Element Analysis00000
MCEG 5473Mechanical Vibrations00000
MCEG 5993Sp: Applied Combustion00000
MCEG 6443Advanced Heat Transfer00000
MCEG 6883Special Topics in Engineering00000
MCEG 6893Ind: Stress Measurement00000
MCEG 1002Engineering Graphics00000
MCEG 1012Intro Mechanical Engineering00000
MCEG 2023Engineering Materials00000
MCEG 3000Engineering Internship/Research Experience00000
MCEG 3313Thermodynamics I00000
MCEG 3413Fundamentals of Mechanical Design00000
MCEG 3512Radiation Detection Laboratory00000
MCEG 3991Sp:Study Abroad:Tech In Japan00000
MCEG 4202Engineering Design00000
MCEG 4993Sp: Applied Combustion00000
MCEG 4423Machine Component Design00000
MCEG 4443Heat Transfer00000
MCEG 4453Energy Management00000
MCEG 4491Mechanical Design Project I00000
MCEG 4503Nuclear Power Plants I00000
MCEG 5043Physical Metallurgy00000
MCEG 5323Power Plant Systems00000
MCEG 5453Energy Management00000
MCEG 5503Nuclear Power Plants I00000
MCEG 6323Energy Systems00000
MCEG 6882St: Internship00000
MCEG 6892Ind: Wind Farm Optimization00000
MCEG 3612Manufacturing Laboratory00000
MCEG 3023Manufacturing Processes00000
MCEG 6881St: Internship00000
MCEG 3013Mechanics of Materials00000
MCEG 3403Machine Dynamics00000
MCEG 3503Basic Nuclear Engineering00000
MCEG 3663Engineering Internship00000
MCEG 4043Physical Metallurgy00000
MCEG 4332Thermal Systems Laboratory00000
MCEG 4413Finite Element Analysis00000
MCEG 4442Mechanical Laboratory II00000
MCEG 4473Mechanical Vibrations00000
MCEG 4493Mechanical Design Project00000
MCEG 4991Sp:Study Abroad Japan00000
MCEG 5343Internal Combustion Engines00000
MCEG 5463Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Design00000
MCEG 6013Continuum Mechanics00000
MCEG 2203Computational Methods in Engineering00000
MCEG 6891Ind: Internship00000
MCEG 1011Introduction to Mechanical Engineering00000
MCEG 2013Statics00000
MCEG 2033Dynamics00000
MCEG 3003Engineering Modeling and Design00000
MCEG 3333Alternative Energy Systems00000
MCEG 3442Mechanical Laboratory I00000
MCEG 3523Radiation Health Physics00000
MCEG 3993Sp: Internship00000
MCEG 4323Power Plant Systems00000
MCEG 4403Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulics00000
MCEG 4433Thermodynamics II00000
MCEG 4463Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Design00000
MCEG 4492Mechanical Design Project II00000