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AUM Course Reviews

Auburn University at Montgomery

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECHE 6924Prof Intship in Early Ch Ed00000
ECHE 7524Research EC Mathematics II00000
ECHE 7514Quan. Res. in LA 200000
ECHE 6403Curriculum/Teaching Preschool00000
ECHE 4924Early Childhood Internship00000
ECHE 3200Methods of Teaching Preschool00000
ECHE 7982M.Ed. Comp. Exam00000
ECHE 7516Current Iss & Res in LA 400000
ECHE 7515Qual. Research in LA 300000
ECHE 3100Mthds of Teach Vry Yng Child00000
ECHE 6433Trends In Early Childhood Educ00000
ECHE 6203Families and Communities00000
ECHE 4203Families and Communities00000
ECHE 7523Research in EC Mathematics I00000
ECHE 7513Found. Ed. Res. in LA 100000
ECHE 6914Preschool Practicum00000
ECHE 6213Lit Instr for Young Child00000
ECHE 4914Early Childhood Practicum00000