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AUM Course Reviews

Auburn University at Montgomery

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ELEM 3914Practicum in Education00000
ELEM 7543Found. Ed. Res. in Sci 100000
ELEM 7982M.Ed. Comp. Exam00000
ELEM 7545Qual. Res. in Sci 300000
ELEM 7526Current Iss & Res in Math 400000
ELEM 7524Quan. Res. in Math 200000
ELEM 7516Cur. Is. & Trends in LA 400000
ELEM 7514Quan. Res. in LA 200000
ELEM 6543Curr & Tchg Elem Science00000
ELEM 6523Curr & Tchg Elem Math00000
ELEM 6513Curriculum & Teach Lang Arts00000
ELEM 4200Methods Teach. Elem. Science00000
ELEM 3400Meth. Teach. E. Soc. Studies00000
ELEM 3000Teaching Creative Arts00000
ELEM 7546Cur. Is. & Trends in Sci 400000
ELEM 7544Quan. Res. in Sci 200000
ELEM 7525Qual. Res. in Math 300000
ELEM 7523Found. Ed. Res. in Math 100000
ELEM 7515Qual. Res. in LA 300000
ELEM 7513Found. Ed. Res. in LA 100000
ELEM 6533Curr & Teaching Social Studies00000
ELEM 6000Teaching Creative Arts00000
ELEM 4100Methods of Teach. Elem. Math00000