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BC Course Reviews

Brooklyn College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMST 3406American Popular Culture00000
AMST 5003WIndependent Studies00000
AMST 3708Performing America: Nation, Identity, And The Arts00000
AMST 3702Music of the United States00000
AMST 3404New York City Folklore00000
AMST 3307Transnational America00000
AMST 3212Decade in Crisis: The 1960's00000
AMST 3104North American Indians: Traditional & Contemporary00000
AMST 1010American Identities00000
AMST 5005Internship00000
AMST 3902Special Topics in the American Experience00000
AMST 3709Performing Blackness00000
AMST 3704Music in New York City00000
AMST 3102The Frontier in American Culture00000
AMST 3402American Folklore00000
AMST 3306Reading Race00000
AMST 3302Private Lives: American Autobiography00000
AMST 3108American Dreams and Realities00000
AMST 4004Seminar00000
AMST 3710Disability in America00000
AMST 3706American Popular Music and Technology00000
AMST 3502Mapping Inequalities: Revealing and Combating Racism in Amer...00000
AMST 3310Digital Life Stories: Chicana/Latina Testimonio00000
AMST 3304The Immigrant Experience in Literature, Film, and Photograph...00000
AMST 3124Black-Jewish Activism: Coalition Building in America00000
AMST 3107WThe Politics of Race and Nation00000