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BC Course Reviews

Brooklyn College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 2210Introductory Child Psychology53551
PSYC 5004Independent Research IV00000
PSYC 3700History of Psychology00000
PSYC 3820Fundamentals of Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 3830The Counseling Process: Theory and Technique00000
PSYC 3850Tests and Measurements00000
PSYC 4800Field Experience in Psychopathology00000
PSYC 5001Independent Research I00000
PSYC 5002Independent Research II00000
PSYC 5003Independent Research III00000
PSYC 3610Behavioral Neuroendocrinology00000
PSYC 5011Fieldwork I00000
PSYC 5012Fieldwork II00000
PSYC 5013Fieldwork III00000
PSYC 5014Fieldwork IV00000
PSYC 7101GHuman Relations Training Seminar I00000
PSYC 7105GQuantitative Techniques in Industrial and Organizational Psy...00000
PSYC 3670Comparative Psychology00000
PSYC 7106GResearch and Program Evaluation Methods in Applied Psycholog...00000
PSYC 3590Psychology of the Arts00000
PSYC 3580Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence00000
PSYC 3540Psychology of Language00000
PSYC 3520Perception00000
PSYC 3450WExperimental Psychology00000
PSYC 3370Hypnosis and Related Phenomena00000
PSYC 3360Psychology of Gender00000
PSYC 3270Psychology of the Family00000
PSYC 3240Psychological and Developmental Disorders of Childhood00000
PSYC 3220Cognitive Development00000
PSYC 3174Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention00000
PSYC 3172Strategic Human Resource Management00000
PSYC 3140Small Groups00000
PSYC 3110Psychology of Prejudice00000
PSYC 7544GExperiential Approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 7799GInternship in Industrial and Organizational Psychology II00000
PSYC 7796GIndependent Psychological Research 200000
PSYC 7792GIndependent Reading00000
PSYC 7782GResearch Proposal in Psychology00000
PSYC 7771GEthical and Legal Issues for Psychologists00000
PSYC 7765GStatistical Methods Applications I00000
PSYC 7738GCognitive Psychology00000
PSYC 7730GPsychology of Learning00000
PSYC 7716GComparative Psychology00000
PSYC 7709GSpecial Topics In Experimental Psychology00000
PSYC 7705GStatistical Methods in Psychology I00000
PSYC 7703GResearch Methods and Design I00000
PSYC 7700GHistory of Psychology00000
PSYC 7591GMental Health Counseling Internship I00000
PSYC 7546GChild and Adolescent Mental Health Counseling00000
PSYC 2810Abnormal Psychology I00000
PSYC 7443GCognitive and Behavioral Approaches to Counseling and Psycho...00000
PSYC 7431GAssessment Practicum00000
PSYC 7410GFoundations of Mental Health Counseling00000
PSYC 7247GManaging Diversity in the Global Economy00000
PSYC 7245GCareer Development00000
PSYC 7242GHuman Resources Management Applications00000
PSYC 7241GThe Individual in the Organization00000
PSYC 7232GTraining and Development00000
PSYC 7228GWorkplace Communications in Organizations00000
PSYC 7221GSocial Systems Sciences Theory: Assessing Organizational Str...00000
PSYC 7209GSpecial Topics in Personnel and Human Resource00000
PSYC 7122GOrganizational Diagnosis and Consultation00000
PSYC 7114GPsychology of Small Groups I00000
PSYC 7112GIntervention Theory and Practice I00000
PSYC 3510Learning00000
PSYC 7210GPsychological Concepts and Methods: Issues in Industrial and...00000
PSYC 7144GLeadership in Organizations00000
PSYC 7121GAssessing Organizational Structure and Design00000
PSYC 7113GIntervention Theory and Practice II00000
PSYC 7110GTheories of Group Process I00000
PSYC 4210Field Experience in Child Psychology00000
PSYC 3840Psychoanalysis: Theory and Research00000
PSYC 3825Cognitive Behavioral Therapy00000
PSYC 3810Abnormal Psychology II00000
PSYC 3680Human Neuropsychology00000
PSYC 3660Drugs and Behavior00000
PSYC 3600Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSYC 3585Parapsychology: A Critical Examination00000
PSYC 3541Thought and Language00000
PSYC 3530Advanced Cognitive Psychology00000
PSYC 7222GMacro-Organizational Applications: Organizational Diagnosis...00000
PSYC 3400Statistical Methods in Psychological Research00000
PSYC 3300Theories of Personality00000
PSYC 3260Psychology of Aging00000
PSYC 3250Psychology of Adolescence00000
PSYC 3230Social and Personality Development of Children00000
PSYC 3180Health Psychology00000
PSYC 3171Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology00000
PSYC 3120Cultural Psychology00000
PSYC 3090Advanced Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC 2610Neurobiology00000
PSYC 2530Introduction to Cognitive Psychology00000
PSYC 2100Social Psychology00000
PSYC 2090Special Topics00000
PSYC 2003Laboratory Experience 300000
PSYC 7710GAdvanced Physiological Psychology I00000
PSYC 2600Mind, Brain, and Behavior00000
PSYC 2300Introduction to Personality00000
PSYC 2200Lifespan Development00000
PSYC 2091Fieldwork in Psychology00000
PSYC 2004Laboratory Experience 400000
PSYC 2002Laboratory Experience 200000
PSYC 1000Introductory Psychology00000
PSYC 7798GInternship in Industrial and Organizational Psychology I00000
PSYC 7795GIndependent Psychological Research 100000
PSYC 7791GIndependent Reading00000
PSYC 7781GResearch in Psychology00000
PSYC 7766GStatistical Methods Applications II00000
PSYC 7755GPsychopathology00000
PSYC 7737GDevelopment of Cognition00000
PSYC 7720GDevelopmental Psychology00000
PSYC 2001Laboratory Experience 100000
PSYC 7706GStatistical Methods in Psychology II00000
PSYC 7704GInstrumentation in Experimental Psychology00000
PSYC 7701GProfessional Development Seminar00000
PSYC 7592GMental Health Counseling Internship II00000
PSYC 7571GNeuroscience, Trauma, Psychopharmacology, and Severe Mental...00000
PSYC 7545GAssessment, Counseling and Psychotherapy with Couples and Fa...00000
PSYC 7449GMental Health Counseling Practicum00000
PSYC 7442GPsychodynamic Approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 7421GAssessment Techniques00000
PSYC 7248GGender and the Workplace00000
PSYC 7246GInternational Human Resource Management00000
PSYC 7244GLeadership, Power, and Executive Stress00000
PSYC 7236GJob Analysis and Employee Selection00000
PSYC 7231GSocial Systems Sciences Theory: Group Relations Issues in Or...00000