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Berea Course Reviews

Berea College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 114Business App & Prog (BUS)00000
CSC 495Data & Analytics Coop00000
CSC 186Intro to Web Development00000
CSC 328Data Analytics (BUS)00000
CSC 350Computer Security00000
CSC 410Computational Intelligence00000
CSC 426Open Source Software Enginrg00000
CSC 450Computer Security00000
CSC 498Adv Complex & Modeling00000
CSC 486Network Dynamics00000
CSC 126Intro to Robotics00000
CSC 236Data Structures00000
CSC 336E-Commerce (BUS)00000
CSC 398Adv Theory of Computation00000
CSC 425Operating Systems & VMs00000
CSC 445Comp Complexity & Modeling00000
CSC 493Senior Projects00000
CSC 110Craft of Computing00000
CSC 124Building Better Apps00000
CSC 226Software Design & Implement00000
CSC 335Computer Organization00000
CSC 390BMapping with Omeka00000
CSC 420Programming Languages00000
CSC 440Design & Analysis of Algorithm00000
CSC 490BCloud DB: Protection/Integrity00000
CSC 497AGratitude UX00000
CSC 111Storytelling-Comp Animation00000
CSC 121Introduction to Game Design00000
CSC 221Management Info. Systems (BUS)00000
CSC 303Theory of Computation00000
CSC 330Database Systems00000
CSC 386Text Analysis and Cultural Exp00000
CSC 412Networking00000
CSC 433Numerical Analysis (MAT)00000