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Berkeley Course Reviews

University of California, Berkeley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOENG 10Introduction to Biomedicine for Engineers54551
XENGLIS R1BReading and Composition42441
SOCIOL 140Politics and Social Change43451
ARESEC 212Econometrics: Multiple Equation Estimation00000
ARCH 209Special Topics in Architectural Design00000
ANTHRO 130History and Theory of Archaeology00000
AGRS 130DThe Roman Economy00000
ART 13Painting: Foundations00000
ANTHRO 198Directed Group Study00000
ART 178Game Design Methods00000
ANTHRO 250ESeminars in Social and Cultural Anthropology: Anthropology o...00000
ARCH 198BCBerkeley Connect00000
ANTHRO 119Special Topics in Medical Anthropology00000
ARCH 260Introduction to Construction, Graduate Level00000
AFRICAM 201AInterdisciplinary Research Methods00000
ARESEC 375Professional Preparation: Teaching of Environmental Economic...00000
ANTHRO 149Psychological Anthropology00000
ART 119Global Perspectives in Contemporary Art00000
AFRICAM 111Race, Class, and Gender in the United States00000
ART 299Supervised Independent Study for Graduate Students00000
AMERSTD C152Native American Literature00000
AFRICAM 131Caribbean Societies and Cultures00000
ANTHRO 296BSupervised Research00000
AMERSTD 101Examining U.S. Cultures in Time00000
ARABIC 20BIntermediate Arabic00000
ARABIC 111BSurvey of Arabic Literature (in Arabic)00000
ARCH 159Special Topics in Building Structures00000
ANTHRO 98Directed Group Study00000
ARCH 204AThesis Seminar00000
AFRICAM 194BAfrican American Theme Program Seminar00000
ARCH 239Special Topics in Architecture Design Theory and Criticism00000
ANTHRO 124APacific Cultures: Archaeology Of The South Pacific00000
ARCH 281Methods of Inquiry in Architectural Research00000
AFRICAM 27ACLives of Struggle: Minorities in a Majority Culture00000
ARESEC 259Rural Economic Development Workshop00000
ANTHRO 138BField Production of Ethnographic Film00000
ARMENI 124Armenian Literature in Social Context00000
AFRICAM 602Individual Study for Doctoral Students00000
ART 98Directed Group Study00000
ANTHRO 170China00000
ART 141Temporal Structures: Video and Performance Art00000
AFRICAM 5AAfrican American Life and Culture in the United States00000
ART 199Supervised Independent Study for Advanced Undergraduates00000
ANTHRO 235Special Topics in Museum Anthropology00000
ASAMST R2AReading and Composition00000
AFRICAM 116Slavery and African American Life Before 186500000
ANTHRO 280CSeminars In Area Studies: South Asia00000
AMERSTD 10Introduction to American Studies00000
ANTHRO 375Graduate Pedagogy Seminar00000
AFRICAM 10AIntermediate Swahili00000
ARABIC 104BClassical Arabic Prose00000
AMERSTD 139ACCivil Rights and Social Movements in U.S. History00000
AFRICAM 139Selected Topics of African American Social Organization and...00000
ARABIC 245Seminar: Modernist Arabic Poetics00000
AMERSTD 198Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates00000
ARCH 24Freshman Seminars00000
ARCH 100DArchitectural Design IV00000
ARCH 144Introduction to Acoustics00000
ANTHRO 3ACIntroduction to Social/Cultural Anthropology (American Cultu...00000
ARCH 170AAn Historical Survey of Architecture and Urbanism00000
AFRICAM 158APoetry for the People: The Writing and Teaching of Poetry00000
ARCH 200BIntroduction to Architecture Studio 200000
ANTHRO 111Evolution of Human Behavior00000
ARCH 207AArchitecture Lectures Colloquium00000
AFRICAM 18BElementary Amharic00000
ARCH 219Special Topics in the Social and Cultural Basis of Design00000
ANTHRO 122FArchaeology of the Americas: California Archaeology00000
ARCH 246Building Energy Simulations00000
AFRICAM 198Directed Group Studies for Undergraduates00000
ARCH 270History of Modern Architecture00000
ANTHRO 128ASpecial Topics in Archaeology/Area00000
ARESEC C251Microeconomics of Development00000
AFRICAM H195ASenior Honors Thesis00000
ARESEC 239Markets and Trade Workshop00000
ANTHRO 135Paleoethnobotany: Archaeological Methods and Laboratory Tech...00000
ARESEC 263Dynamic Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics00000
AFRICAM 296Directed Dissertation Research00000
ARMENI 1AIntroductory Armenian00000
ANTHRO 147CQueer Ethnographies00000
ART H195ASpecial Study for Honors Candidates in the Practice of Art00000
AFRICAM 98Directed Group Studies for Freshmen and Sophomores00000
ART 17Printmaking (Lithography & Screen Printing): Foundations00000
ANTHRO 158Religion and Anthropology00000
ART 103Advanced Painting: Reconsidering the Portrait & Figure00000
AGRS 10AIntroduction to Ancient Greece00000
ART 132Advanced Ceramics: Research and Methods00000
ANTHRO 189Special Topics in Social/Cultural Anthropology00000
ART 171Video Projects00000
AEROSPC 135BLeadership Studies00000
ART 184Junior Seminar: Meaning and Making00000
ANTHRO 227Historical Archaeology Research00000
ART 294Seminar for M.F.A. Students00000
AHMA 299Special Study00000
ANTHRO H195BSenior Honors00000
ARCH 100AFundamentals of Architectural Design00000
ARCH 110ACThe Social and Cultural Processes in Architecture & Urban De...00000
ANTHRO 250VSeminars in Social and Cultural Anthropology: Tourism00000
AEROSPC 1BFoundations of the U.S. Air Force00000
AFRICAM C156Race, Space, and Inequality00000
AFRICAM 15BAdvanced Swahili00000