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Berkeley Course Reviews

University of California, Berkeley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFRICAM 602Individual Study for Doctoral Students00000
AFRICAM 27ACLives of Struggle: Minorities in a Majority Culture00000
AFRICAM 21AIntermediate Amharic00000
AFRICAM 16BElementary Igbo00000
AFRICAM 15AAdvanced Swahili00000
AFRICAM 10AIntermediate Swahili00000
AFRICAM 5AAfrican American Life and Culture in the United States00000
AFRICAM R1AFreshman Composition00000
AFRICAM W111Race, Class, and Gender00000
AFRICAM C156Race, Space, and Inequality00000
AFRICAM 31AIntermediate Chichewa00000
AFRICAM 296Directed Dissertation Research00000
AFRICAM 240Special Topics in Cultural Studies of the Diaspora00000
AFRICAM 201BQualitative Research Methods for African American Studies00000
AFRICAM 197Field Study in African American Life00000
AFRICAM 165African American Poetry: Eyes on the Prize00000
AFRICAM 158APoetry for the People: The Writing and Teaching of Poetry00000
AFRICAM 156ACPoetry for the People: Introduction to the Art of Poetry00000
AFRICAM 150BAfrican American Literature 1920 to Present00000
AFRICAM 137Multicultural Communities00000
AFRICAM 159Special Topics in African American Literature00000
AFRICAM 140Special Topics in Cultural Studies00000
AFRICAM 4BAfrica: History and Culture00000
AFRICAM 299Individual Study or Research00000
AFRICAM 298Master's Examination Preparation Course00000
AFRICAM 241Special Topics in Development Studies of the Diaspora00000
AFRICAM 201AInterdisciplinary Research Methods00000
AFRICAM 198Directed Group Studies for Undergraduates00000
AFRICAM 195Senior Capstone00000
AFRICAM 194BAfrican American Theme Program Seminar00000
AFRICAM 123Social and Political Thought in the Diaspora00000
AFRICAM 157Creative Writing00000
AFRICAM 152FNeo-Slave Narratives00000
AFRICAM 139Selected Topics of African American Social Organization and...00000
AFRICAM 136Criminal Justice and the Community00000
AFRICAM 131Caribbean Societies and Cultures00000
AFRICAM 116Slavery and African American Life Before 186500000
AFRICAM 111Race, Class, and Gender in the United States00000
AFRICAM 98BCBerkeley Connect00000
AFRICAM 98Directed Group Studies for Freshmen and Sophomores00000
AFRICAM 164Spoken Word: Oral Tradition & Transformation from Poetry to...00000
AFRICAM 158BPoetry for the People: Practicum00000
AFRICAM 153CNovels of Toni Morrison00000
AFRICAM 142ACRace and American Film00000
AFRICAM 134Information Technology and Society00000
AFRICAM 120Africa From Revolution to Globalization00000
AFRICAM 115Language and Social Issues in Africa00000
AFRICAM 114Introduction to African Linguistics00000
AFRICAM 101Research Methods for African American Studies00000
AFRICAM 194AAfrican American Theme Program Seminar00000
AFRICAM 30AElementary Chichewa00000
AFRICAM 24Freshman Seminars00000
AFRICAM 18BElementary Amharic00000
AFRICAM 16AElementary Igbo00000
AFRICAM 11BElementary Swahili00000
AFRICAM 5BAfrican American Life and Culture in the United States00000
AFRICAM C20ACThe 2020 Election00000
AFRICAM H195ASenior Honors Thesis00000
AFRICAM C265Research Advances in Race, Diversity, and Educational Policy00000
AFRICAM 10BIntermediate Swahili00000
AFRICAM 118The Slave Trade and Culture in the Modern Atlantic World00000
AFRICAM 112APolitical and Economic Development in the Third World00000
AFRICAM 100Black Intellectual Thought00000
AFRICAM 39BFreshman/Sophomore Seminar: Freshman/Sophmore Seminar00000
AFRICAM 28ACGlobalization and Minority American Communities00000
AFRICAM 21BIntermediate Amharic00000
AFRICAM 18AElementary Amharic00000
AFRICAM 15BAdvanced Swahili00000
AFRICAM 11AElementary Swahili00000
AFRICAM C375Critical Pedagogy: Instructor Training00000
AFRICAM 4AAfrica: History and Culture00000
AFRICAM R1BFreshman Composition00000
AFRICAM H195Senior Honors Thesis00000
AFRICAM C133AWhat is the Role of Race in Urban Schools?00000
AFRICAM 601Individual Study for Master's Students00000
AFRICAM 250Black Intellectuals: Social and Cultural Roles00000
AFRICAM 201DTheories Of The African Diaspora00000
AFRICAM 198BCBerkeley Connect00000