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Berkeley Course Reviews

University of California, Berkeley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AGRS 10AIntroduction to Ancient Greece00000
AGRS 130DThe Roman Economy00000
AGRS 24Freshman Seminars00000
AGRS R44Classics of the Ancient Mediterranean World00000
AGRS 34Epic Poetry: Homer and Vergil00000
AGRS 130NAncient Portraiture & Biography00000
AGRS 17AIntroduction to the Archaeology of the Greek World00000
AGRS 39BFreshman/Sophomore Seminar - Greek and Roman Comedy00000
AGRS 10BIntroduction Ancient Rome00000
AGRS 28Greek and Roman Myths00000
AGRS 36Greek Philosophy00000
AGRS 130LIntroduction to Greco-Roman Magic00000
AGRS 198Directed Group Study for Advanced Undergraduates00000
AGRS 17BIntroduction to the Archaeology of the Roman World00000
AGRS 130CAncient Greek Political Thought00000
AGRS 170AClassical Archaeology: Greek Vase Painting00000