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Berkeley Course Reviews

University of California, Berkeley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOCIOL 140Politics and Social Change43451
SOCIOL 142Sociology of War and Conflict00000
SOCIOL 280DDSociology of Medicine00000
SOCIOL 280YSociology of Globalization00000
SOCIOL 280AAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Law00000
SOCIOL 275Research Design00000
SOCIOL 273CAdvanced Seminars in Research Methods: Comparative and Histo...00000
SOCIOL 271CMethods of Sociological Research00000
SOCIOL 201BModern Social Theory00000
SOCIOL 200Proseminar00000
SOCIOL 193Reading and Writing Seminar for Sociology00000
SOCIOL 180IComparative Perspectives on U.S. and European Societies: Ine...00000
SOCIOL 173Contemporary Chinese Society00000
SOCIOL 167Virtual Communities/Social Media00000
SOCIOL 152ACDeviance and Social Control00000
SOCIOL 146ACContemporary Immigration in Global Perspective00000
SOCIOL 280IAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Religion00000
SOCIOL 116Sociology of Work00000
SOCIOL 113Sociology of Education00000
SOCIOL 111CSociology of Childhood00000
SOCIOL 108Advanced Methods: In-depth Interviewing00000
SOCIOL 103Advanced Study in Social Theory00000
SOCIOL 88Data Science for Social Impact00000
SOCIOL 5Evaluation of Evidence00000
SOCIOL C167Virtual Communities/Social Media00000
SOCIOL R1BSociological Reading & Composition00000
SOCIOL H190BSenior Honors Thesis and Seminar00000
SOCIOL 375Professional Training: Teachers00000
SOCIOL 280XAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Immigrati...00000
SOCIOL 280CAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Political...00000
SOCIOL 280JAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Urban Soc...00000
SOCIOL 280ZAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Sociol Po...00000
SOCIOL 179Selected Topics in Area Studies00000
SOCIOL 199Supervised Independent Study and Research00000
SOCIOL 152Deviance and Social Control00000
SOCIOL 149PSociology of Policing00000
SOCIOL C144LLatina/o/x Sociology00000
SOCIOL 280SAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Social Mo...00000
SOCIOL 280QAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Economy a...00000
SOCIOL 280FAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Family00000
SOCIOL 280BAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Race and...00000
SOCIOL 280EAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Sociology...00000
SOCIOL 280NAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Education00000
SOCIOL 273FAdvanced Seminars in Research Methods: Interview Methods00000
SOCIOL 273MComputational Social Science00000
SOCIOL 271DMethods of Sociological Research: Imperative and Emerging Te...00000
SOCIOL 198BCDirected Group Study for Undergraduates--Berkeley Connect00000
SOCIOL 189GComparative Perspectives in Sociology: The Global Elite00000
SOCIOL 280GAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Social St...00000
SOCIOL 163Popular Culture00000
SOCIOL 149Selected Topics in Sociology of Politics and Social Change00000
SOCIOL 124Sociology of Poverty00000
SOCIOL 119SOrganizational Strategy and Design: A Sociological Perspecti...00000
SOCIOL 115GHealth in a Global Society00000
SOCIOL 112Sociology Of Religion00000
SOCIOL 111ACSociology of the Family00000
SOCIOL 106Quantitative Sociological Methods00000
SOCIOL 101Sociological Theory I00000
SOCIOL 3ACPrinciples of Sociology: American Cultures00000
SOCIOL C115Sociology of Health and Medicine00000
SOCIOL C146MMembership and Migration: Empirical and Normative Perspectiv...00000
SOCIOL 292Advanced Research Seminar00000
SOCIOL 280PAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Area Stud...00000
SOCIOL 137ACEnvironmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environm...00000
SOCIOL 280RWar & Genocide00000
SOCIOL 280MAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Culture00000
SOCIOL 280DAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Organizat...00000
SOCIOL 273LComputational Social Science00000
SOCIOL 271BMethods of Sociological Research00000
SOCIOL 202BAdvanced Study in Sociology Theory: Contemporary Sociologica...00000
SOCIOL 201AClassical Social Theory00000
SOCIOL 194Writing Research00000
SOCIOL 182Elementary Forms of Racial Domination: International Perspec...00000
SOCIOL 169CCross-Cultural Communications00000
SOCIOL 166Society and Technology00000
SOCIOL 160Sociology of Culture00000
SOCIOL 148Social Policy00000
SOCIOL 145Social Change00000
SOCIOL 139FSelected Topics in Social Inequality: Social Problems of the...00000
SOCIOL 280HAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Developme...00000
SOCIOL 135Sexual Cultures00000
SOCIOL 131FFour Centuries of Black-White Relations in the United States00000
SOCIOL 131ACRace and Ethnic Relations: U.S. American Cultures00000
SOCIOL 130ACSocial Inequalities: American Cultures00000
SOCIOL 121Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Social and Cultural Context00000
SOCIOL 117Sport As a Social Institution00000
SOCIOL 114Sociology of Law00000
SOCIOL 111LSociology of the Life Course00000
SOCIOL 107Participant-Observation00000
SOCIOL 105Research Design and Sociological Methods00000
SOCIOL 98Directed Group Study00000
SOCIOL 1Introduction to Sociology00000
SOCIOL C126Sex, Death, and Data00000
SOCIOL C196BUcdc Internship00000
SOCIOL 131Race and Ethnic Relations: The United States Experience00000
SOCIOL 280AAAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Sociology...00000
SOCIOL 273EAdvanced Seminars in Research Methods: Participant Observati...00000
SOCIOL 271AMethods of Sociological Research00000
SOCIOL 198Directed Group Study for Undergraduates00000
SOCIOL 190Seminar and Research in Sociology00000
SOCIOL 180CComparative Perspectives on U.S. and European Societies: Cul...00000
SOCIOL 169FCultural Perspectives of Food00000
SOCIOL 150Social Psychology00000
SOCIOL 145LSocial Change In Latin America00000
SOCIOL 141Social Movements and Political Action00000
SOCIOL 139Selected Topics in Social Inequality00000
SOCIOL 139HSelected Topics in Social Inequality: Health & Wealth00000
SOCIOL 136Urban Sociology00000
SOCIOL 133Sociology of Gender00000
SOCIOL H190ASenior Honors Thesis and Seminar00000
SOCIOL 130Social Inequalities00000
SOCIOL 127Development and Globalization00000
SOCIOL 120Economy and Society00000
SOCIOL 116ACWork, Justice and the Labor Movement00000
SOCIOL 113ACSociology of Education00000
SOCIOL 110Organizations and Social Institutions00000
SOCIOL 102Sociological Theory II00000
SOCIOL 7The Power of Numbers: Quantitative Data in Social Sciences00000
SOCIOL C196WSpecial Field Research00000
SOCIOL C196AUCDC Core Seminar00000
SOCIOL C273NSocial Networks00000
SOCIOL 296Directed Dissertation Research00000
SOCIOL 290Seminar00000
SOCIOL 280LAdvanced Study in Substantive Sociological Fields: Gender00000