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BGSU Course Reviews

Bowling Green State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTD 2010Graphic Design Thinking00000
ARTD 3010Information Design00000
ARTD 3055User Experience/User Interface Design00000
ARTD 4010Graphic Design History and Integrative Models00000
ARTD 4030Systems00000
ARTD 4060Collaborative and Community Engagement00000
ARTD 4080Senior Studio in Graphic Design00000
ARTD 4890Graphic Design Internship00000
ARTD 2015Principles of Graphic Design00000
ARTD 2020Typography00000
ARTD 3040Three Dimensional Graphic Design00000
ARTD 3060Graphic Design Theory & Methods00000
ARTD 4015Design for Social Impact00000
ARTD 4055Time Based Graphic Design00000
ARTD 4070Graphic Design Senior Thesis00000
ARTD 4700Independent Studies in Design00000