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BIOL 319

Pre-Health Microbiology (LEC)

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Reviews 1

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Tejpreet Chadha / Spring 2024

Apr 3, 2024

Comments on the course

The class itself is difficult because it is a 300 level biology course, however, the amount of information expected to be memorized makes it impossible to do well if you are taking other classes

Course Content

pre-health microbiology that revolves heavily around different bacteria, viruses, and subtypes of a variety of categories

Comments on the professor

Chadha is not a good professor. Her lectures are long and boring, and she expects you to memorize an impossible amount of information for each test. The three tests make up the majority of your grade and consist of information not found in the slides or discussed in class. She gives 67 questions in 50 minutes and does not offer a curve. This class is single-handedly making me hate science and it is because of her incompetence as a teacher. She overcomplicates simple topics to the point that they no longer make sense. I am finding this class harder than the orgo class I took last year because of her inability to teach. Avoid this professor if you can.


Binghamton offers this class over summer with a different professor, I would recommend taking that one instead

Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Exam Heavy

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