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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AAAS 210Intro To Japanese Culture00000
AAAS 580FJapanese Asia Pacific War Exp.00000
AAAS 580SCommunity Engagement00000
AAAS 580YTeach. Chinese as Foreign Lang00000
AAAS 580QGender and Health00000
AAAS 582BSeminar in Translatn: Japanese00000
AAAS 583BTransnationalism & Film00000
AAAS 595Internship00000
AAAS 599Thesis00000
AAAS 106AEast Asian Civilizations (LEC)00000
AAAS 111Music Cultures: Far East, Asia00000
AAAS 180PPandemic!00000
AAAS 188FChinese Music Ensemble00000
AAAS 580JFood and the Asian Diaspora00000
AAAS 219Structure of Japanese00000
AAAS 24220th Cen Korean Lit (In Trans)00000
AAAS 252Mediev/Early Mod JPN Lit/Cult00000
AAAS 259Eastern Asia: Land and People00000
AAAS 273Chinese Civilization00000
AAAS 280QKorean Art and Philosophy00000
AAAS 280UModern/Contemporary Asian Art00000
AAAS 280PFood &the Korean/American Wave00000
AAAS 280DWomen's Lives So.Asia&Diaspora00000
AAAS 281TEnvironment & Empire,1750-195000000
AAAS 284DGender & Sexuality in S. Asia00000
AAAS 480YIntro Computer Assisted Transl00000
AAAS 439East Asian Linguistics00000
AAAS 450Women in PreMod JPN Lit/Cult00000
AAAS 454Unresolved Issues:Wars in Asia00000
AAAS 462Confucius' Analects00000
AAAS 471Classical Chinese Reading00000
AAAS 480CAsian Migration00000
AAAS 480BFourth Year Korean II00000
AAAS 480LNationalism in East Asia00000
AAAS 480HTumult Place,Fate, & Belonging00000
AAAS 480VFourth Year Korean I00000
AAAS 480JFeminist & Diasporic Perf. Art00000
AAAS 284CIntro to Pakistani Literature00000
AAAS 481TJapanese Empire Asia-Pacific00000
AAAS 482TConflicts in Communist Arts00000
AAAS 482ONationalism In East Asia00000
AAAS 483DCritical Approaches:CHIN Cult.00000
AAAS 484GChina's Borderlands00000
AAAS 495Internship in AAAS00000
AAAS 499Honors Thesis II00000
AAAS 522History of Chinese Language00000
AAAS 531Unresolved Issues:Wars in Asia00000
AAAS 536Advanced Korean Linguistics00000
AAAS 580AMedicine and Body in East Asia00000
AAAS 521Classical Chinese Reading00000
AAAS 480ERace & Disease in the Americas00000
AAAS 480ISocial Justice00000
AAAS 480KContemporary Ecologies00000
AAAS 480AFood and the Asian Diaspora00000
AAAS 481RSeminar in Translatn: Japanese00000
AAAS 482PBuddhist Ethics00000
AAAS 483AGandhi & Violence00000
AAAS 483BHistory of Chinese Language00000
AAAS 484FMaritime Asia00000
AAAS 497Independent Study00000
AAAS 500Proseminar00000
AAAS 480OKorea: The Other Within00000
AAAS 534Fictions of the Samurai00000
AAAS 580GRace & American Citizenship00000
AAAS 580LKorea: The Other Within00000
AAAS 580DConflicted Selves,CHIN Culture00000
AAAS 580MAsian Americans of NYC00000
AAAS 580HFourth Year Korean I00000
AAAS 582DScholarly Methods in Translati00000
AAAS 583ATeach. Chinese as Foreign Lang00000
AAAS 597Independent Study00000
AAAS 700Continuous Registration00000
AAAS 382RThe Marginalized in East Asia00000
AAAS 382SKorean Encounters00000
AAAS 313Religions & Culture of Korea00000
AAAS 341China And The West00000
AAAS 35220th C Chinese Fiction in Tran00000
AAAS 360Korean History(Ancient-19Cent)00000
AAAS 363Gender,Culture & KoreanSociety00000
AAAS 374China In The 20th Century00000
AAAS 380KDances of South Asia00000
AAAS 380OProtest on Asian Perspective00000
AAAS 380HFilipino American History00000
AAAS 380PMigration, Citznshp & Humn Rts00000
AAAS 380CAmerican Race Wars00000
AAAS 431Confucianism in Korea00000
AAAS 382ACultural Appropriation00000
AAAS 386EBeijing Opera Character Types00000
AAAS 397Independent Study00000
AAAS 432Women and Korean History00000
AAAS 443History of Chinese Literature00000
AAAS 451Fictions of the Samurai00000
AAAS 455Japanese Asia Pacific War Exp.00000
AAAS 463Medicine and Body in East Asia00000
AAAS 472Chinese Women & The Family00000
AAAS 480WAfroAsian Connections00000
AAAS 480DRace and Popular Culture00000
AAAS 386BBeijing Opera Face Painting00000
AAAS 364Korean Politics Through Film00000
AAAS 380QIntroduction to Asian Theatre00000
AAAS 380EUS-Philippine Relations00000
AAAS 380IImmigrant Lives of NYC00000
AAAS 380JInternment & Family Histories00000
AAAS 380BThe Korean Conundrum00000
AAAS 380NClass, Globalizatn & Human Dev00000
AAAS 380FAfro-Asian Connections00000
AAAS 382OMixed Race Families00000
AAAS 383BLanguage Politics00000
AAAS 386DBeijing Opera Combat II00000
AAAS 361Korea in the Age of Empire00000
AAAS 414Economic Development E Asia00000
AAAS 436Advanced Korean Linguistics00000
AAAS 449Pedagogy-E.Asian Langs:Korean00000
AAAS 453Trauma in JPN Lit & Film00000
AAAS 461Li Bai and Du Fu00000
AAAS 465Conflicted Selves,CHIN Culture00000
AAAS 473Imperialism In East Asia00000
AAAS 480NThe Immigrant Narrative00000
AAAS 480GAfroAsian Histories00000
AAAS 480STheory/Praxis Comm Engagement00000
AAAS 480FMulticultural Psychology00000
AAAS 280EHistory of Asian America00000
AAAS 106BEast Asian Civilizations (LEC)00000
AAAS 180VChina In Africa00000
AAAS 188AIntro to Indian Vocal Music00000
AAAS 197Independent Study00000
AAAS 218Structure of Korean00000
AAAS 230Contemporary Chinese Cinemas00000
AAAS 250Japanese Cinema00000
AAAS 253Cultures of Pre-Modern Japan00000
AAAS 260Confucian Ethics00000
AAAS 274Late Imperial China00000
AAAS 275History of Asian America00000
AAAS 480TRace & American Citizenship00000
AAAS 280JContemp Japanese Women Lit00000
AAAS 280WJapan Since 180000000
AAAS 280FCulture Politics Asian/Am Food00000
AAAS 280GGender & Chinese Society00000
AAAS 281OJapan To 180000000
AAAS 284AChina in Contemporary World00000
AAAS 288ALiving Online00000
AAAS 314Morphology And Syntax00000
AAAS 344Buddhist Ethics00000
AAAS 346Introduction to Korean Cinema00000
AAAS 354The Tale of Genji00000
AAAS 350Modern Japanese Lit. in Trans00000
AAAS 254Pop Culture in Contemp Japan00000
AAAS 272Island Culture:TaiwanFilm&Fict00000
AAAS 280AIntro Asian American Studies00000
AAAS 280VEveryday Life In South Asia00000
AAAS 280LConfucian Ethics00000
AAAS 280XTransforming East Asia00000
AAAS 281UJapanese Language & Culture00000
AAAS 282FMod & Contemp Asian Art00000
AAAS 284BModern India, 1757-201900000
AAAS 311Lang.,Culture,Society In Korea00000
AAAS 317The Economy Of China00000
AAAS 251Classical JPN Lit & Culture00000
AAAS 355Aspects of Multilingualism00000
AAAS 362Divided Korea00000
AAAS 369Sociology of Contemporary Asia00000
AAAS 380MGlobal Migration Flows & Procs00000
AAAS 380RHist of Immigration&Displacemt00000
AAAS 380DAsian&LatAme Immigration to US00000
AAAS 381RPreModern Stories East-West00000
AAAS 382TNorth Korean Culture00000
AAAS 384SMinorities in China & Beyond00000
AAAS 386CBeijing Opera Combat00000
AAAS 397AIndependent Study00000
AAAS 533Women in PreMod JPN Lit/Cult00000
AAAS 480PModern Encounters And Asia00000
AAAS 480MAsian Americans of NYC00000
AAAS 480UTeach. Chinese as Foreign Lang00000
AAAS 480RLanguage, Power & Meaning00000
AAAS 482RResearching Immigrant Lives00000
AAAS 482DGender and Health00000
AAAS 483CHistory of Chinese Literature00000
AAAS 484EAsia in the Anthropocene00000
AAAS 491Practicum in Teaching00000
AAAS 498Honors Thesis I00000
AAAS 530Trauma in JPN Lit & Film00000
AAAS 105Intro To Asian Philosophy(LEC)00000
AAAS 580RRace and Popular Culture00000
AAAS 580KThe Korean/American Wave00000
AAAS 580CTranslation And Ethnography00000
AAAS 580ERace & Disease in the Americas00000
AAAS 580IMaritime Asia00000
AAAS 580PHistory of Chinese Literature00000
AAAS 580BBuddhist Metaphysics00000
AAAS 582CGender,Sexuality&Japanese; Hist00000
AAAS 583CUS Empire in the Pacific00000
AAAS 597AIndependent Study00000
AAAS 240Korean Lit & Culture:Pre 20thc00000