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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 110Pgming Concepts&Applic (LEC)
CS 140Prog with Obj & Data Struct00000
CS 580LIntro to Machine Learning00000
CS 592Tech. Dev. Curriculum I00000
CS 595Termination Project00000
CS 620XSpecial Topics00000
CS 697Advanced Independent Study00000
CS 700Continuous Registration00000
CS 101Prof Skills Ethics & CS Trends00000
CS 580KAdv Topics in Cloud Computing00000
CS 211Programming I Engineers00000
CS 220Arch from a Prog Perspective00000
CS 311Operating Systems Concepts00000
CS 342Program Design Patterns00000
CS 373Automata Theory & Formal Lg.00000
CS 396Computer Science Co-Op00000
CS 424Intelligent Mobile Robotics00000
CS 428Computer Networks00000
CS 580WProgramming for the Web00000
CS 580IInternet of Things00000
CS 576Program Models Emerg Platforms00000
CS 571Programming Languages00000
CS 559Science of Cyber Security00000
CS 557Intro To Distributed Systems00000
CS 552Intro to Cloud Computing00000
CS 547High Performance Computing00000
CS 542Design Patterns00000
CS 536Intro to Machine Learning00000
CS 532Database Systems00000
CS 526Wireless Sensor Networks00000
CS 515Social Media Data Sci Pipeline00000
CS 486Info Systems Senior Proj II00000
CS 480FHigh Performance Computing00000
CS 544Programming for the Web00000
CS 701Pract/Teaching &Research Asst00000
CS 698Predissertation Research00000
CS 680HBlockchainTech&ItsApplications00000
CS 597Independent Study00000
CS 593Tech. Dev. Curriculum II00000
CS 580UProgramming Systems and Tools00000
CS 580Zz/VM Virtualization00000
CS 580FHigh Performance Computing00000
CS 580RIntel Mobile Robotics00000
CS 580NSocial Media Data Sci Pipeline00000
CS 572Compiler Design00000
CS 560Computer Graphics00000
CS 558Intro to Computer Security00000
CS 555Intro to Visual Info Processin00000
CS 550Operating Systems00000
CS 480NData Sci with Appls Soc Media00000
CS 540Adv Topics Obj Oriented Prog00000
CS 533Information Retrieval00000
CS 527XMobile Systems Security00000
CS 520Computer Architecture & Organ00000
CS 498Undergraduate Project00000
CS 480WProgramming for the Web00000
CS 480SSmart Devices and Sensing00000
CS 480Zz/VM Virtualization00000
CS 471Programming Languages00000
CS 458Intro to Computer Security00000
CS 456Intro to Computer Vision00000
CS 451Systems Programming00000
CS 445Software Engineering00000
CS 440Adv Topics Obj Oriented Prog00000
CS 433Information Retrieval00000
CS 499Undergraduate Research00000
CS 457Intro To Distributed Systems00000
CS 460Computer Graphics00000
CS 472Compiler Design00000
CS 476Program Models Emerg Platforms00000
CS 480CSoftware Security00000
CS 480IInternet of Things00000
CS 480RIntel Mobile Robotics00000
CS 485Info Systems Senior Proj I00000
CS 452Intro to Cloud Computing00000
CS 524Intelligent Mobile Robotics00000
CS 528Computer Networks00000
CS 535Introduction To Data Mining00000
CS 541Game Dev for Mobile Platforms00000
CS 545Software Engineering00000
CS 551Systems Programming00000
CS 556Intro to Computer Vision00000
CS 559XScience of Cyber Security00000
CS 444Programming for the Web00000
CS 441Game Dev For Mobile Platforms00000
CS 435Introduction To Data Mining00000
CS 431Enterprise Network Security00000
CS 426Internet of Things00000
CS 402Software & Eng. Project Mgmt00000
CS 395Computer Science Internship00000
CS 360Gui And Windows Programming00000
CS 338Introduction To Multimedia Sys00000
CS 301Eth Soc & Global Issues Comput00000
CS 215FRI Image & Acoustic Signal II00000
CS 207Introduction to Data Science00000
CS 120Prog & Hardware Fundamentals00000
CS 106Everyday Computing00000
CS 580AHardware and Security Systems00000
CS 212Programming II for Engineers00000
CS 480KAdv Topics in Cloud Computing00000
CS 465Intro to Artificial Intelligen00000
CS 459Science of Cyber Security00000
CS 455Intro to Visual Info Processin00000
CS 447High Performance Computing00000
CS 442Design Patterns00000
CS 436Intro to Machine Learning00000
CS 432Database Systems00000
CS 427Mobile Systems Security00000
CS 415Social Media Data Sci Pipeline00000
CS 397Independent Study00000
CS 375Design & Analysis of Algorithm00000
CS 350Operating Systems (LEC)00000
CS 320Advanced Computer Architecture00000
CS 240Data Struct & Algorithms (LEC)00000
CS 480AHardware and Security Systems00000
CS 185ALiving/Learning Computer Proj00000
CS 115FRI Image & Acoustic Signal I00000
CS 105Intro To Computing (LEC)00000
CS 707Research Skills00000
CS 699Dissertation00000
CS 680VVirtualization00000
CS 599Masters Thesis00000
CS 594Industrial Internship00000
CS 580CSoftware Security00000
CS 580BSoftware & Eng. Project Mgmt00000
CS 580HGui And Windows Programming00000
CS 580SSmart Devices and Sensing00000
CS 580GGame Devel For Mobile Platform00000
CS 575Design & Analysis Comp Algorit00000
CS 565Intro to Artificial Intelligen00000