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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENVI 230Intro to Environmental Policy44431
ENVI 481KThe Environment Carib. & LA00000
ENVI 170Environmental Geology00000
ENVI 101Humans&Ecological Envir (LEC)00000
ENVI 597Independent Study00000
ENVI 581CAgri Biotech: Sci & Policy00000
ENVI 522Hydrology and Water Resources00000
ENVI 499Honors Thesis00000
ENVI 482ASpatial Analysis in Anthro00000
ENVI 481GENVI Applications in GIS00000
ENVI 481TEcon Of Enviro Policy Analysis00000
ENVI 481SSust Comm 2: Policy & Practice00000
ENVI 205Research in People and Place00000
ENVI 460Environmental Policy Analysis00000
ENVI 435Agriculture: Local and Global00000
ENVI 423Soils00000
ENVI 413Envi. Impact Statements00000
ENVI 382UBiology & Cons Of Birds (LEC)00000
ENVI 382CSustainabiltiy00000
ENVI 382DNonrenewable Natural Resources00000
ENVI 381TPlants and People00000
ENVI 357Biology & Cons Of Birds (LEC)00000
ENVI 334Biogeochemistry FRI Part II00000
ENVI 328Soils:Life and Death Underfoot00000
ENVI 481MEnvironmental History00000
ENVI 481EEvolution and Sustainability00000
ENVI 336Sweet Harvest: Bees and Maple00000
ENVI 582RAgricultural Futures00000
ENVI 535Agriculture: Local and Global00000
ENVI 515Environmental Planning00000
ENVI 498Senior Thesis00000
ENVI 491Practicum In College Teaching00000
ENVI 481AAgri Biotech: Sci & Policy00000
ENVI 481FIndigenous Knowledge Systems00000
ENVI 481RAgricultural Futures00000
ENVI 326Forests, Environ & Civ (LEC)00000
ENVI 481CEcologies & Atrocities00000
ENVI 441Climate Change Science&Policy00000
ENVI 425Fungi and Sustainability00000
ENVI 415Environmental Planning00000
ENVI 382KAnthropology Of Climate Change00000
ENVI 382AEnviron Pollution:Sci & Policy00000
ENVI 382HChem/Phys of water treatment00000
ENVI 370Envrn Geol:The Changing Earth00000
ENVI 280PTaming Nature:Farming thruTime00000
ENVI 250Farm-to-Table Food00000
ENVI 312Environmental Law & Policy00000
ENVI 397Independent Study00000
ENVI 382FIntro GIS Applications00000
ENVI 382EEcology of the NE00000
ENVI 382MSoils:Life & Death Underfoot00000
ENVI 382BFoodPolicySafetyHealthSecurity00000
ENVI 361FreshwaterWetlandsEcology(LEC)00000
ENVI 342Environmental Hydrology (LEC)00000
ENVI 331Sustainability Real vs Shallow00000
ENVI 327N'Tl Hist Of Nature Preserve00000
ENVI 325Ecological Agriculture00000
ENVI 323Soils00000
ENVI 422Hydrology and Water Resources00000
ENVI 304Intro to Envi Geochemistry00000
ENVI 281VEnvironment & Empire,1750-195000000
ENVI 281QMedieval Food,Disease,Environ.00000
ENVI 280JTamingNature:Farming thru Time00000
ENVI 239Environmental Planning/Policy00000
ENVI 206Geospatial Sensing Part I00000
ENVI 181AIntro to Environmental Chem00000
ENVI 105People,Politics&theEnvironment00000
ENVI 438AgriBiotech:Sci,Pol&Conflict00000
ENVI 538AgriBiotech:Sci,Pol&Conflict00000
ENVI 581Plant Ecology00000
ENVI 324Urban Ecology00000
ENVI 315Sustainability & Urban Policy00000
ENVI 306Geospatial Sensing Part 200000
ENVI 282ATopics in Biogeochemistry00000
ENVI 281EWorld Climate Catastrophes00000
ENVI 280AWorld Environmental History00000
ENVI 260Intro GIS/Spatial Analysis00000
ENVI 234Biogeochemistry FRI Part I00000
ENVI 201Humans & Physical Environ(LEC)00000
ENVI 149Environmental Ethics & Policy00000
ENVI 346Envi Chem Community Water Syst00000
ENVI 525Fungi and Sustainability00000
ENVI 513Envi. Impact Statements00000
ENVI 495Internship In Envirn. Studies00000
ENVI 481DPaleoethnobotany00000
ENVI 481VSustainable Cities and Regions00000
ENVI 481HClimate History00000
ENVI 481BSust.Comm I: Theory & Practice00000
ENVI 481NEnvironmentalHistory of Israel00000
ENVI 442Climate Change and Society00000
ENVI 430Plant Ecology00000