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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HDEV 425Oppression Dignity & Soc Chnge52551
HDEV 342Intro to Human Rts Thry & Prac52551
HDEV 397Independent Study00000
HDEV 106Practicum-Ldrshp & Comm Servc00000
HDEV 495Internship00000
HDEV 481AGlobal Health00000
HDEV 480MPrisoner Rights Activism&State00000
HDEV 465Researching Immigrant Lives00000
HDEV 445Community Leadershp/Developmnt00000
HDEV 407Social Constructn of Whiteness00000
HDEV 116Practicum-Ldrshp&Com Develpmnt00000
HDEV 381Intro-Community&Public Health00000
HDEV 380BAmerican Civics & Feminism00000
HDEV 369American Educ in Global Soc00000
HDEV 365Psychology of Racism00000
HDEV 360Global Politics & Human Rights00000
HDEV 355Community Schools00000
HDEV 351Forms of Global Violence00000
HDEV 349Human Rights Advocacy: UN00000
HDEV 347Legal History Of Sexuality Us00000
HDEV 404Migration Gendr & Human Rights00000
HDEV 380IUS War on Drugs & LatinAmerica00000
HDEV 327Culture & Context in Devlpmnt00000
HDEV 497Independent Study00000
HDEV 480FDiversity & Health00000
HDEV 476Senior Year Experience00000
HDEV 452Forms of Global Violence00000
HDEV 442Group Counseling00000
HDEV 420Community Mental Health00000
HDEV 344African Women & Feminism00000
HDEV 395Internship00000
HDEV 380DLatin American Sexualities00000
HDEV 379Migration, Citznshp & Humn Rts00000
HDEV 336Black Child and Adolescent Dev00000
HDEV 332Develpmnt of Adolescent Girls00000
HDEV 313Exploring Queer Lives00000
HDEV 305Child Development00000
HDEV 282CActivism,Femin &Social Justice00000
HDEV 325Optimal Aging00000
HDEV 361Global Migration Flows & Procs00000
HDEV 357Sexualities in Society00000
HDEV 353Immigrant & Refugee Health00000
HDEV 350Ending Mass Incarceration00000
HDEV 348Politics Of Education00000
HDEV 346Enforcing Hum. Rghts: Actvsm00000
HDEV 339Black Families00000
HDEV 334Narrative Psychology00000
HDEV 366Poverty & Discrimination00000
HDEV 306Adolescent Development00000
HDEV 300Social Science Research Methds00000
HDEV 259Jewish Non-Profit Organization00000
HDEV 200Intro to Human Development00000
HDEV 108BIntellectual Empathy00000
HDEV 380EGentrification and Race00000
HDEV 282ALGBTQ History00000
HDEV 402Youth And Social Policy00000
HDEV 480AGlobal Health00000
HDEV 340The Sociopolitics of Debt00000
HDEV 335Gender, Devlpmnt and Education00000
HDEV 314Class, Globalizatn & Human Dev00000
HDEV 301Mothering in Cultural Context00000
HDEV 280FActivism,Femin &Social Justice00000
HDEV 108The Other America00000
HDEV 100The Study of Human Change00000
HDEV 483EZombie Rev:ReclaimVacantPrprty00000
HDEV 380KPrisoner Writings & Activism00000
HDEV 475Practicum In Human Development00000
HDEV 451Clinical Assessment00000
HDEV 440Principles Of Case Mgmt00000
HDEV 414Institutns & Lives Of Children00000
HDEV 400Social Justice00000
HDEV 391Teaching Practicum00000
HDEV 380CInformal Cities00000
HDEV 380ABlack & Brown in the City00000