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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 324ODE's for Scients/EngineerWTSN54551
MATH 386Combinatorics42531
MATH 571Advanced Probability Theory00000
MATH 147Elementary Statistics (LEC)00000
MATH 107Basic Integrated Mathematics00000
MATH 699Dissertation00000
MATH 605Asymptotic Theory00000
MATH 603Lie Algebras00000
MATH 601Teichmuller Theory00000
MATH 601AManifold Topology00000
MATH 597Independent Work00000
MATH 590FMethods in Geometric Analysis00000
MATH 584Euclid/Non-Eucl Geo (MAT/MSED)00000
MATH 580AConvex Polytopes00000
MATH 575HTopics In the History of Math00000
MATH 573Apl.Prob.&Stochastic Processes00000
MATH 224Differential Calculus00000
MATH 567Statistics Seminar00000
MATH 563Combinatorics Seminar00000
MATH 559Time Series Analysis00000
MATH 553Nonparametric Inference00000
MATH 540Capstone Seminar I00000
MATH 535StatisticalLearning&DataMining00000
MATH 531Regression I00000
MATH 523Group Theory I00000
MATH 517Algebraic Topology I00000
MATH 508Complex Analysis00000
MATH 505Analysis I00000
MATH 502Statistical Inference00000
MATH 488PData Analysis00000
MATH 487SContemporary Stat Cybersecurit00000
MATH 497Independent Work00000
MATH 488ALinear Algebra for Statistics00000
MATH 575AMathematical Modeling00000
MATH 570Applied Multivariate Analysis00000
MATH 564Analysis Seminar00000
MATH 561Algebra Seminar00000
MATH 556Experimental Design00000
MATH 541Capstone Seminar II00000
MATH 536Non- & Semi-param. Smoothing00000
MATH 532Regression II00000
MATH 525Rings And Algebras00000
MATH 513Topology00000
MATH 510Introduction To Graph Theory00000
MATH 506Analysis II00000
MATH 503Algebra I00000
MATH 222HHonors Calculus00000
MATH 488SMathematical Modeling00000
MATH 480AAlgebra Seminar00000
MATH 472PDE and Mathematical Analysis00000
MATH 463Differential Geometry00000
MATH 458Time Series00000
MATH 454Financial Mathematics00000
MATH 449Actuarial Exam P Preparation00000
MATH 407Intro to the Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 372Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 330Number Systems00000
MATH 304Linear Algebra00000
MATH 227Infinite Series WATSON00000
MATH 478Real Analysis I00000
MATH 479Real Analysis II00000
MATH 565Topology Seminar00000
MATH 562Arithmetic Seminar00000
MATH 557Survival Analysis00000
MATH 550Statistical Consulting00000
MATH 538Sequential Analysis00000
MATH 534Data Analysis00000
MATH 530Linear Algebra for Statisticia00000
MATH 520Homological Algebra00000
MATH 518Algebraic Topology II00000
MATH 511Introduction To Combinatorics00000
MATH 507Linear Algebra&Matrix Theory00000
MATH 504Algebra II00000
MATH 501Probability00000
MATH 488HTopics In the History of Math00000
MATH 568Data Science Seminar00000
MATH 465Foundations of Geometry00000
MATH 459Statistical Bioinformatics00000
MATH 455Intro to Regression Models00000
MATH 452Life Contingency Models II00000
MATH 447Probability Theory00000
MATH 402Modern Algebra II00000
MATH 391Practicum In College Teaching00000
MATH 375Functions of Complex Variables00000
MATH 346Intro to Financial Mathematics00000
MATH 327Probability with Stat Methods00000
MATH 314Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 230Honors Calculus00000
MATH 225Integral Calculus00000
MATH 148Elem Stats for Biologist (LEC)00000
MATH 220Calculus For Business & Mgmt00000
MATH 471Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 461Topology I00000
MATH 457Intro to Statistical Learning00000
MATH 450Long-term Actuarial Math I00000
MATH 448Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 404Advanced Linear Algebra00000
MATH 401Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 381Graph Theory00000
MATH 371Ordinary Diff. Equations00000
MATH 329Intro to Scientific Computing00000
MATH 323Calculus III00000
MATH 247Introduction to Data Science00000
MATH 226Integration Tech&App WATSON00000
MATH 223Introduction to Calculus00000
MATH 108Algebra And Trigonometry00000
MATH 130Mathematics In Action (LEC)00000
MATH 106Intermediate Algebra00000
MATH 700Continuous Registration00000
MATH 698Pre-Dissertation Research00000
MATH 603AToric Varieties00000
MATH 603BTopics in Invariant Theory00000
MATH 601BReimannian Geometry00000
MATH 599Thesis00000
MATH 591The Teaching Of College Math00000
MATH 590SModern Nonparametric Methods00000
MATH 581Topics In Graph Theory00000
MATH 579Advanced Statistical Inference00000
MATH 574Number Theory (MAT-MSED)00000