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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOC 100Social Change:Intro Sociology55431
SOC 358Energy Power & Nature00000
SOC 368Political Sociology00000
SOC 340Women & U.S. Criminal Jus Sys00000
SOC 330Latin American Women00000
SOC 326Global Criminal & Soc. Justice00000
SOC 321Race&Cul.Rela In World Context00000
SOC 284ZAfro-Braz&Carib Religions00000
SOC 280JUrban Sociology00000
SOC 280XTransforming East Asia00000
SOC 280CAfrican & Western Religions00000
SOC 280AGentrification and Race00000
SOC 255Gender & Chinese Society00000
SOC 200Foundations of Social Theory00000
SOC 180DArt of Capoeira00000
SOC 100BSocial Change: Intro Soc (Lec)00000
SOC 699Dissertation00000
SOC 690AAccumulation by Dispossession?00000
SOC 690EProseminar00000
SOC 690BDev State: Rise Crisis Future00000
SOC 612Gender Stud & Feminist Theory00000
SOC 603Structural Inequalities00000
SOC 580BRace and Carceral Capitalism00000
SOC 574PDecolonial Methodologies00000
SOC 480XIntersectionality/Assemblages00000
SOC 434Binghamton & the World-Economy00000
SOC 380MThe Marginalized in East Asia00000
SOC 700Continuous Registration00000
SOC 697Advanced Independent Studies00000
SOC 690HTeaching Practicum00000
SOC 690CWriting for Publication00000
SOC 622Social Dynamics of Punishment00000
SOC 604Theoretical Studies00000
SOC 602Contemporary Capitalism00000
SOC 499Honors Thesis00000
SOC 491Teaching Practicum00000
SOC 480BGlobal Health Impact00000
SOC 480MPrisoner Rights Activism&State00000
SOC 471Sociology Honors Seminar00000
SOC 426Global Social Movements00000
SOC 384ANew Fascisms00000
SOC 380SFrom Slave to Robot00000
SOC 380ASociology of China00000
SOC 380DComparative Revolutions00000
SOC 380LChina & the World-Economy00000
SOC 380EContesting American Capitalism00000
SOC 380HQAnon & the Far Right Globally00000
SOC 378Law And Society00000
SOC 375Economic Sociology00000
SOC 370Social Inequality00000
SOC 374Oil Politics00000
SOC 491ATeaching Practicum00000
SOC 480ATranslation & Human Sciences00000
SOC 480CRace & Disease in the Americas00000
SOC 427Global Criminal & Soc. Justice00000
SOC 395Internship00000
SOC 384DGloblization Crisis Resistance00000
SOC 380GAmerica & Classical Antiquity00000
SOC 380REnvironmental Movement In Us00000
SOC 380CIdentifying the Criminal00000
SOC 380NProtest on Asian Perspective00000
SOC 380BImmigration in Contemp US00000
SOC 377Sociology Of Colonialism00000
SOC 497Independent Research00000
SOC 369Sociology of Contemporary Asia00000
SOC 367Food, People, and Resources00000
SOC 353The Sociology of Reproduction00000
SOC 336Slavery, Nature, Empire00000
SOC 328Comp. Soc. Development00000
SOC 324Gender and Work00000
SOC 307Consuming Interests:Soc ofFood00000
SOC 280ELatinx in the U.S.00000
SOC 280DYouth & Pop. Cult in N Africa00000
SOC 280FAfro-Braz & Carib Religions00000
SOC 180BIntro To Africana Studies00000
SOC 262Gender and Society00000
SOC 432War Crimes & Global War00000
SOC 397Independent Study00000
SOC 384BGloblization Crisis Resistance00000
SOC 380KNew Media Ethnography00000
SOC 380JLatin American Sexualities00000
SOC 380FContemp Movmts&Real Democracy00000
SOC 380IWork and Power00000
SOC 305Social Research Methods00000
SOC 280GAfro-Caribbean History&Culture00000
SOC 280BIslamic Cultures in Africa00000
SOC 280HPrison Industrial Complex00000
SOC 480DWest Meets East in N. Africa00000
SOC 236Intro Crim & Social Justice00000
SOC 180CIntro to African Religion00000
SOC 180AIntro to African Religion00000
SOC 100ASocial Change: Intro Soc (Lec)00000
SOC 698Pre-Dissertation Research00000
SOC 690XSocial Movements & Inequality00000
SOC 690DCounterrevolution:Global South00000
SOC 673Advanced World Sys Sts00000
SOC 605Problems of Method00000
SOC 601Study Of The Modern World-Sys00000
SOC 580APrisoner Rights Activism&State00000