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Boston College Course Reviews

Boston College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ADCY 6000Cyber Ecosystem and Cybersecurity00000
ADCY 6300Network and Infrastructure Security00000
ADCY 6400Managing Cyber Risk: Mobile Devices and Social Networking00000
ADCY 6500Organizational Effectiveness: Governance, Risk Management, a...00000
ADCY 6650Role of Intelligence: Enabling Proactive Security00000
ADCY 6925Cybersecurity: Risk and Resiliency00000
ADCY 6955Applied Research Project For Non-Profit Organizatn00000
ADCY 6050Cybersecurity Policy: Privacy and Legal Requirements00000
ADCY 6350Incident Response and Management00000
ADCY 6450CYBER Investigations and Digital Forensics00000
ADCY 6630Cyber Crime00000
ADCY 6700Privacy Law00000
ADCY 6900Ethicl Iss in Cybrsecurty/Ignatian Paradigm00000
ADCY 6950Applied Research Project00000