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ECOR 1042

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Reviews 3

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Cristina Ruiz Martin / Winter 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Comments on the course

awfully taught and put together course overall this class feels like its designed to fail anyone who does not have experience in coding

Course Content

no useful content in the lectures or the labs be ready to teach yourself everything as the lectures are useless

Comments on the professor



know how to code before you come in and make sure you know everything about python and how to use it otherwise its going to be extremely hard to pass

Delivery: In personGrade: C+Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Attendance HeavyAssignment HeavyQuiz HeavyProject HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Cristina Ruiz Martin / Fall 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Comments on the course

The course makes no sense, its not taught effectively and feels like sabotage. As someone who had no coding experience prior to ecor 1041/1042, this entire course is unfair. We are taught the basics (which also weren't taught very well) then expected to know more advanced coding without ever being taught how to implement it. There's a difference between understanding what the code the prof built and explains does than actually building your own. I understand what different functions and what not do but the course never effectively taught me how to write code myself. I also haven't been given any form of feedback as my final exam is tomorrow and I only have 5% of my grade back (online quizzes that brightspace grades immediately providing no feedback just a grade). This entire course is more

Course Content

I went into this class wanting to learn how to code and feeling interested. As an engineering student, coding is something we should all have some knowledge on as it can be very useful, however this class has completely ruined my interest in programming and I never want to do it again so good job Carleton.

Comments on the professor

Just all around bad. Lectures have the basics nothing more, the prof was hard to understand and could not effectively explain anything. Its also very hard to stay concentrated and motivated when you are frusterated and confused because once again this class makes no sense and sets you up for failure.


I wish I would have mastered python before starting university because with the way this course is taught, that was the only way I would pass.

Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment Heavy

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Rami Sabouni / Fall 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Comments on the course

Terrible, all the evalutions were never marked, my final exam is on friday and I only know 5% of my grade.

Course Content

Terrible, all the labs were impossibly hard and everyone was equally lost. Furthermore, no marks or feedback to improve on for entire semester.

Comments on the professor

Felt like going to lectures was useless as they were so monotone and unengaging.


The ta's and the prof need to step up their game and figure out what they are doing. Basically teaching myself the course for no point as there is no marks given back.

Delivery: In personWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Project HeavyExam Heavy

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