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Carleton Course Reviews

Carleton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BUSI 1004Financial Accounting for Business Students3.532.54.52
BUSI 1800Introduction to Business55552
BUSI 1005Managerial Accounting for Business Students43351
BUSI 2601Business Law23241
BUSI 2504Business Finance I42451
BUSI 3005Taxation I52451
BUSI 2702Introduction to International Management44541
BUSI 5989M.Sc. Thesis00000
BUSI 3701Practicum in International Business I00000
BUSI 4002Advanced Accounting Problems00000
BUSI 4602Women in Management00000
BUSI 5106Business Case Analysis and Presentations00000
BUSI 5181Seminar in Management II: Current Topics in Organizational B...00000
BUSI 5381Seminar in Management of Production/Operations II: Productio...00000
BUSI 5580Seminar in Finance I: Topical Issues in Investments00000
BUSI 5781Seminar in International Business II: Managing in a Global E...00000
BUSI 5900Tutorials/Directed Studies in Business00000
BUSI 5980Foundations of Management Theory and Research00000
BUSI 4901Topics in Business I00000
BUSI 5992Tutorials/Directed Studies in Business00000
BUSI 5999Internship00000
BUSI 6100Seminar in Management I: Modern Organization Theory00000
BUSI 6104Managing the Change Process00000
BUSI 6300Seminar in Management of Production/Operations I: Strategic...00000
BUSI 6400Seminar in Information Systems I: Research Issues00000
BUSI 6501Seminar in Finance II: Theories and Empirical Methods in Cor...00000
BUSI 6709Special Topics in International Business00000
BUSI 4129Managing the Arts00000
BUSI 3405Enterprise Architecture00000
BUSI 3502Investments00000
BUSI 3600Entrepreneurial Strategies00000
BUSI 3611Managing the Family Enterprise00000
BUSI 3700Cross-cultural Communication00000
BUSI 3704The Environment of International Business00000
BUSI 3706International Business Negotiations00000
BUSI 3820Practicum in Business Design00000
BUSI 3995Employability Passport III00000
BUSI 4008Advanced Management Accounting and Control00000
BUSI 4108Organizational Learning00000
BUSI 4906Research Project for Business00000
BUSI 4203Marketing In Not-for-Profit Organizations00000
BUSI 4229Marketing in the Arts and Culture Sectors00000
BUSI 4331E-Supply Chain Technology and Management00000
BUSI 4408Social Analytics00000
BUSI 4504International Finance00000
BUSI 4510Mergers and Acquisitions00000
BUSI 4607Management of Technology and Innovation00000
BUSI 4705Ethics and Cross-cultural Interaction00000
BUSI 4708International Expansion and Operations00000
BUSI 4719Practicum in International Business00000
BUSI 6905Advanced Statistical Methods for Business Research00000
BUSI 5997Project Based Service Learning00000
BUSI 3702Practicum in International Business II00000
BUSI 4206Consumer Behaviour00000
BUSI 4900Auditing III00000
BUSI 5108Sustainable Business Development00000
BUSI 5280Seminar in Marketing I: Management and Strategy00000
BUSI 5480Seminar in Information Systems I: Research Issues00000
BUSI 5581Seminar in Finance II: Theories and Empirical Methods in Cor...00000
BUSI 5801Statistics for Managers00000
BUSI 5905Special Topics00000
BUSI 5981Statistics for Business Research00000
BUSI 5983Qualitative Research Design00000
BUSI 6908Ph.D. Comprehensives00000
BUSI 6000Seminar in Accounting I00000
BUSI 6101Seminar in Management II: Current Topics in Organizational B...00000
BUSI 6200Seminar in Marketing I: Management and Strategy00000
BUSI 6301Seminar in Management of Production/Operations II: Productio...00000
BUSI 6401Seminar in Information Systems II: Current Trends00000
BUSI 6700Seminar in International Business I: International Markets a...00000
BUSI 6900Directed Readings00000
BUSI 6903Qualitative Research Design00000
BUSI 6904Quantitative Research Design00000
BUSI 6907Ph.D. Thesis Tutorial00000
BUSI 6910Foundations of Management Theory and Research00000
BUSI 5906Culture and Communication00000
BUSI 3105Managing and Motivating Teams00000
BUSI 6909Ph.D. Thesis00000
BUSI 4000Accounting Theory00000
BUSI 4431E-Supply Chain Technology And Management00000
BUSI 5081Seminar in Accounting II00000
BUSI 5180Seminar in Management I: Modern Organization Theory00000
BUSI 5281Seminar in Marketing II: Consumer Behaviour00000
BUSI 5481Seminar in Information Systems II: Current Trends00000
BUSI 5780Seminar in International Business I: International Markets a...00000
BUSI 5802Business Ethics00000
BUSI 5803Managerial Economics00000
BUSI 6902Research Methodology in Business00000
BUSI 5982Research Methodology in Business00000
BUSI 5984Quantitative Research Design00000
BUSI 5998MBA Skills Workshop00000
BUSI 6001Seminar in Accounting II00000
BUSI 6103Seminar In Strategic Management00000
BUSI 6201Seminar in Marketing II: Consumer Behaviour00000
BUSI 6304Management Of Innovation And Technology00000
BUSI 6500Seminar in Finance I: Topical issues in Investments00000
BUSI 6705Seminar in International Business II: Managing in a Global E...00000
BUSI 6901Structural Equation Modeling00000
BUSI 3301Supply Chain Fundamentals00000
BUSI 4810Practicum in Business Creation00000
BUSI 4904Directed Studies I00000
BUSI 1001Principles of Financial Accounting00000
BUSI 1801Foundations of Business00000
BUSI 2204Basic Marketing00000
BUSI 2402Business Applications Development00000
BUSI 2506Financial Statement Analysis00000
BUSI 2703Introduction to International Business00000
BUSI 3103Introduction to Organization Theory00000
BUSI 3117Developing Creative Thinking00000
BUSI 3207Marketing Research00000
BUSI 4710International New Ventures00000
BUSI 3309Project Management00000
BUSI 3402Systems Analysis and Design00000
BUSI 3500Applied Corporate Finance00000
BUSI 3512Derivatives00000
BUSI 3602Designing Organizational Systems: An Overview00000
BUSI 3629Corporate Governance and Strategy00000
BUSI 3703International and Comparative Management00000
BUSI 3705International Buyer Behaviour00000
BUSI 3810Business Development00000
BUSI 3999Co-operative Work Term00000
BUSI 3401Applications Development for Online Environments00000
BUSI 1402Introduction to Business Information and Communication Technologies00000
BUSI 1995Employability Passport I00000
BUSI 2005Income Tax Fundamentals00000
BUSI 2208Introduction to Marketing00000
BUSI 2503Introduction to Finance00000
BUSI 2800Entrepreneurship00000
BUSI 3007Auditing I00000
BUSI 3104Managing Individual Performance00000
BUSI 3205Marketing Communications00000
BUSI 3209Consumer Behaviour00000
BUSI 3308Simulation Methods in Business00000
BUSI 4105Managing Change00000
BUSI 4112Organizational Leadership00000
BUSI 4201Marketing Metrics00000
BUSI 4209Consumer Culture Theory00000
BUSI 4304Procurement and Contracting00000
BUSI 4406Business Analytics00000
BUSI 4502Portfolio Management00000
BUSI 4511Fixed Income Analysis00000
BUSI 4601Business Ethics00000
BUSI 4609Strategic Management00000
BUSI 4707Regionalism and Globalization00000
BUSI 1701Introduction to International Business00000
BUSI 4301Decision Models for Managers00000
BUSI 4404IT Infrastructure00000
BUSI 4500Advanced Corporate Finance00000
BUSI 4505Global Financial Markets and Institutions00000
BUSI 4515Micro Finance00000
BUSI 4608Canadian Business History00000
BUSI 4706International Human Resource Management00000
BUSI 4717Managing Globalization in Emerging Economies00000
BUSI 4902Topics in Business II00000
BUSI 4995Employability Passport IV00000
BUSI 1003Survey of Accounting00000
BUSI 4205International Marketing Strategy00000
BUSI 2001Intermediate Accounting I00000
BUSI 2121Introduction to Organizational Behaviour00000
BUSI 2301Introduction to Operations Management00000
BUSI 2701Fundamentals of International Business00000
BUSI 2995Employability Passport II00000
BUSI 3008Intermediate Management Accounting and Control00000
BUSI 1002Management Accounting00000
BUSI 3119Sustainability and the Role of Business00000
BUSI 3208Business-to-Business Marketing00000
BUSI 3305Logistics and Transportation00000
BUSI 2101Organizational Behaviour00000
BUSI 4117Creative Thinking00000
BUSI 4208Marketing Management00000
BUSI 4302Management of Quality00000
BUSI 4400IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition00000
BUSI 4503Applied Portfolio Management00000
BUSI 4704The Business Environment in Europe00000
BUSI 4709Strategic Management for International Business00000
BUSI 4800Business Case Analysis II00000
BUSI 4905Directed Studies II00000
BUSI 2002Intermediate Accounting II00000
BUSI 3400Data and Information Management00000
BUSI 2400Foundations of Information Systems00000
BUSI 2505Business Finance II00000
BUSI 3001Accounting for Business Combinations00000
BUSI 3102Introduction to Human Resources Management00000
BUSI 3106Managing Conflict and Negotiation00000
BUSI 3204Digital Marketing00000
BUSI 3800Business Case Analysis00000
BUSI 4005Taxation II00000
BUSI 4104Strategic Human Resources Management00000
BUSI 4111Training and Development00000