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Carleton Course Reviews

Carleton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LAWS 4303Drugs, The User and The State54551
LAWS 1001Introduction to Legal Studies 133441
LAWS 4308Sentencing45241
LAWS 4905Full-Year Service Learning Placement00000
LAWS 4202Accountability of Management00000
LAWS 4307Medical Criminal Law Issues00000
LAWS 4402Employment Dispute Resolution00000
LAWS 4510Topics in Law, Policy and Government00000
LAWS 4606International Law of Armed Conflict00000
LAWS 4703Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy00000
LAWS 4901Tutorial in Law00000
LAWS 4006Religion and State in Canada00000
LAWS 2105Social Justice and Human Rights00000
LAWS 2302Criminal Law00000
LAWS 2908Approaches in Legal Studies I00000
LAWS 3006Mediation00000
LAWS 3105Theory of Law and Politics00000
LAWS 3203The Legal Nature of Property00000
LAWS 4103Special Topic in the Philosophy of Law00000
LAWS 3208International Trade Regulation00000
LAWS 3908Approaches in Legal Studies II00000
LAWS 3804Law of the Family00000
LAWS 3509The Charter of Rights Topics00000
LAWS 3503Equality and Discrimination00000
LAWS 3500Constitutional Law00000
LAWS 3307Youth and Criminal Law00000
LAWS 3303Torts00000
LAWS 3206Banking Law00000
LAWS 3202Intellectual Property00000
LAWS 3101Philosophy of Law: The Nature of Law00000
LAWS 2601Public International Law00000
LAWS 2202Obligations00000
LAWS 4906Service Learning Placement00000
LAWS 4902Tutorial in Law00000
LAWS 5703Spec Top in Family Mediation00000
LAWS 4802Criminal Jury Trials00000
LAWS 4904Advanced Legal Topics00000
LAWS 4908Honours Paper00000
LAWS 5001Legal Method and Social Inquiry00000
LAWS 5005Law, State and Politics00000
LAWS 5302Feminism, Law And Social Transformation00000
LAWS 5662Law, Regulation and Governance00000
LAWS 5700Theories of Conflict Resolution00000
LAWS 4702Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy00000
LAWS 5706Special Topics in Conflict Resolution00000
LAWS 5709Skills Assessment00000
LAWS 5901Tutorial/Directed Readings in Law00000
LAWS 5908M.A. Research Essay00000
LAWS 6001Proseminar in Legal Studies00000
LAWS 6010Directed Readings in Legal Studies00000
LAWS 6909Ph. D. Thesis00000
LAWS 4104Special Topic in the Philosophy of Law00000
LAWS 3305Crime and State in History00000
LAWS 3401Employment Law00000
LAWS 3501Law in the Information Society00000
LAWS 3506Administrative Law00000
LAWS 3602International Human Rights00000
LAWS 3903Selected Legal Topics00000
LAWS 4001Law, Family and Gender00000
LAWS 4100Modern Legal Theory00000
LAWS 4607Immigration and Refugee Law00000
LAWS 4107Law in Modern Society00000
LAWS 4209Topics in Business Law00000
LAWS 4305Criminal Justice Reform00000
LAWS 4311Human Rights in Canadian Prisons00000
LAWS 4504Indigenous Criminal Justice00000
LAWS 4603Transitional Justice00000
LAWS 4610Special Topics in Transnational Law and Human Rights00000
LAWS 3001Women and the Legal Process00000
LAWS 5900Tutorials/Directed Readings in Law00000
LAWS 5903Contemporary Topics in Legal Studies00000
LAWS 6000Doctoral Seminar in Legal Studies00000
LAWS 6002Law, Regulation and Governance00000
LAWS 6004Crime, Law, and Security00000
LAWS 6095Field Comprehensive00000
LAWS 2201Persons and Property00000
LAWS 2501Law, State and Constitution00000
LAWS 5708Applied Research Project00000
LAWS 3005Law and Regulation00000
LAWS 3106Law and Social Regulation00000
LAWS 3205Consumer Law00000
LAWS 3209Canadian Correctional Policies in Historical Perspective00000
LAWS 3308Punishment and the Law00000
LAWS 3504Law and Aboriginal Peoples00000
LAWS 3800Law of Environmental Quality00000
LAWS 6096Thesis Proposal00000
LAWS 5004Law, Crime and Social Order00000
LAWS 5100Advanced Problems in Legal Philosophy00000
LAWS 5603International Law: Theory and Practice00000
LAWS 5664Crime, Law and Security00000
LAWS 5705Mediation in Family Matters00000
LAWS 5710Directed Readings in Conflict and Dispute Resolution00000
LAWS 5909M.A. Thesis00000
LAWS 6003Human Rights, Citizenship and Global Justice00000
LAWS 3999Co-operative Work Term00000
LAWS 1000Introduction to Legal Studies00000
LAWS 5002Law and Gender Relations00000
LAWS 5007Race, Ethnicity and the Law00000
LAWS 5306Police and Capital00000
LAWS 5663Human Rights, Citizenship and Global Justice00000
LAWS 5701Introduction to Conflict Resolution and Mediation00000
LAWS 5704Multi-Party, Multi-Issue Conflict Resolution And Consensus B...00000
LAWS 4101Contemporary Justice Theories00000
LAWS 3207International Transactions00000
LAWS 3306Crime, Law, Process and Politics00000
LAWS 3405Labour Law00000
LAWS 3502Regulating Freedom of Expression in Canada00000
LAWS 3508Health Law00000
LAWS 3604International Organizations00000
LAWS 3904Selected Legal Topics00000
LAWS 4002Feminist Theories of Law00000
LAWS 3201Business Enterprise Frameworks00000
LAWS 4105Global Justice Theory00000
LAWS 4200International Economic Law00000
LAWS 4302Regulation of Corporate Crime00000
LAWS 4306Criminal Law Issues00000
LAWS 4503Law, Disability and Society00000
LAWS 4601Transnational Law and Human Rights00000
LAWS 5000Theories of Law and Social Transformation00000
LAWS 4801Risk and the Legal Process00000
LAWS 3102Philosophy of Law: The Logic of the Law00000
LAWS 3003Contracts00000
LAWS 2502Law, State and Citizen00000
LAWS 2301Criminal Justice System00000
LAWS 1002Introduction to Legal Studies 200000
LAWS 4903Advanced Legal Topics00000
LAWS 4800Environment and Social Justice00000
LAWS 4701Special Topic in Criminal Justice and Social Policy00000
LAWS 4605Topics in International Law00000
LAWS 4507Administrative Law and Control00000
LAWS 4309State Security and Dissent00000
LAWS 4304Policing and Social Surveillance00000
LAWS 4204Legal Issues in eCommerce00000
LAWS 4106Law and Violence00000
LAWS 4102Controversies in Rights Theory00000