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Carleton Course Reviews

Carleton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NEUR 2202Neurodevelopment and Plasticity23231
NEUR 2002Introduction to Statistics in Neuroscience32251
NEUR 2801Neuroscience and Creativity32331
NEUR 2201Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience41441
NEUR 2001Introduction to Research Methods in Neuroscience44251
NEUR 4306The Neural Basis of Addiction00000
NEUR 3501Neurodegeneration and Aging00000
NEUR 3304Hormones and Behaviour00000
NEUR 3207Systems Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3002Data Analysis in Neuroscience II00000
NEUR 1203Neuroscience of Mental Health and Neurological Disease00000
NEUR 4302Sex and the Brain00000
NEUR 4001Special Topics in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3401Environmental Toxins and Mental Health00000
NEUR 3206Sensory and Motor Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3001Data Analysis in Neuroscience I00000
NEUR 2004Fundamentals of Scientific Writing in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3403Stress and Mental Health00000
NEUR 4200Seminar on Current Advances in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 4301Neurobiology of Energy Homeostasis00000
NEUR 4305Immune-Brain Interactions00000
NEUR 4801Neuroethics00000
NEUR 4905Honours Workshop00000
NEUR 4908Honours Research Thesis00000
NEUR 3200Principles Of Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3305Immune-Brain Interactions00000
NEUR 5000Foundations In Neuroscience00000
NEUR 5201Statistics for Neuroscience I00000
NEUR 5801Knowledge Mobilization00000
NEUR 6100Advanced Seminar in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 6302Techniques in Neuroscience II00000
NEUR 6402Independent Research in Neuroscience II00000
NEUR 6909Ph.D. Thesis00000
NEUR 3203Field Course in Animal Behaviour00000
NEUR 3302Sex And The Brain00000
NEUR 4906Translational Approach to Indigenous Community Wellness00000
NEUR 5800Imagination in Neural Systems00000
NEUR 6200Comprehensive Examination00000
NEUR 6501Directed Studies in Neuroscience I00000
NEUR 1201Introduction To Mental Health And Disease00000
NEUR 3202Sensory Processes00000
NEUR 3306The Neural Basis Of Addiction00000
NEUR 5100Fundamentals in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 5202Statistics for Neuroscience II00000
NEUR 5909M.Sc. Thesis00000
NEUR 6301Techniques in Neuroscience I00000
NEUR 6401Independent Research in Neuroscience I00000
NEUR 6502Directed Studies in Neuroscience II00000
NEUR 4203Seminar on Current Research in Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology00000
NEUR 3301Genetics of Mental Health00000
NEUR 3402Impact of Lifestyle and Social Interactions on Mental Health00000
NEUR 3999Co-operative Work Term00000
NEUR 4202Seminar on Current Research in Neuroscience and Psychiatric Disease00000
NEUR 4303Indigenous Health & Mental Health00000
NEUR 4600Advanced Lab in Neuroanatomy00000
NEUR 4900Independent Study00000
NEUR 4907Honours Essay and Research Proposal00000
NEUR 1202Neuroscience of Mental Health and Psychiatric Disease00000
NEUR 2003Introduction to Techniques in Neuroscience00000
NEUR 3204Neuropharmacology00000
NEUR 3303The Neuroscience of Consciousness00000
NEUR 2200Biological Foundations Of Behaviour00000
NEUR 3502Neurodevelopmental Determinants of Mental Health00000