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Carleton Course Reviews

Carleton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STAT 2507Introduction to Statistical Modeling I3.
STAT 2606Business Statistics I32341
STAT 2559Basics of Statistical Modeling (Honours)00000
STAT 4607Bayesian Statistical Analysis (Honours)00000
STAT 4601Data Mining I (Honours)00000
STAT 4508Stochastic Models (Honours)00000
STAT 4504Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments (Honours)00000
STAT 3662Life Contingent Risk Modelling II00000
STAT 3553Regression Modeling (Honours)00000
STAT 3506Stochastic Processes and Applications (Honours)00000
STAT 2655Introduction to Probability with Applications (Honours)00000
STAT 2605Probability Models00000
STAT 4660Actuarial Mathematics II00000
STAT 4603Time Series and Forecasting (Honours)00000
STAT 4509Advanced Mathematical Modeling (Honours)00000
STAT 4506Nonparametric Statistics (Honours)00000
STAT 4501Probability Theory (Honours)00000
STAT 3509Mathematical Statistics00000
STAT 3502Probability and Statistics00000
STAT 3507Sampling Methodology00000
STAT 3558Elements of Probability Theory (Honours)00000
STAT 3661Life Contingent Risk Modelling I00000
STAT 4502Survey Sampling (Honours)00000
STAT 5501Mathematical Statistics II00000
STAT 5504Stochastic Processes and Time Series Analysis00000
STAT 5509Multivariate Analysis00000
STAT 5601Stochastic Optimization00000
STAT 5603Reliability and Survival Analysis00000
STAT 5610Introduction to Mathematical Statistics00000
STAT 5703Data Mining00000
STAT 5709Probability Theory II00000
STAT 5904Statistical Internship00000
STAT 5910M.Sc. Project in Statistics00000
STAT 6508Techniques Of Data Analysis00000
STAT 5505Design of Experiments00000
STAT 5516Nonparametric Statistics00000
STAT 5701Stochastic Models00000
STAT 5704Network Performance00000
STAT 5902Seminar in Biostatistics00000
STAT 4905Honours Project (Honours)00000
STAT 5503Linear Models00000
STAT 5506Robust Statistical Inference00000
STAT 5600Mathematical Statistics I00000
STAT 5602Analysis of Categorical Data00000
STAT 5604Stochastic Analysis00000
STAT 5702Modern Applied and Computational Statistics00000
STAT 5708Probability Theory I00000
STAT 5901Stat Methods in Epidemiology00000
STAT 5909M.Sc. Thesis in Statistics00000
STAT 3660Actuarial Mathematics I00000
STAT 2509Introduction to Statistical Modeling II00000
STAT 2607Business Statistics II00000
STAT 3503Regression Analysis00000
STAT 3508Elements of Probability Theory00000
STAT 3559Mathematical Statistics (Honours)00000
STAT 4500Parametric Estimation (Honours)00000
STAT 4503Applied Multivariate Analysis (Honours)00000
STAT 4507Statistical Inference (Honours)00000
STAT 4555Monte Carlo Simulation (Honours)00000
STAT 4604Statistical Computing (Honours)00000
STAT 4661Life Contingent Risk Modelling II00000
STAT 2660Mathematics for Finance (Honours)00000
STAT 3504Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design00000
STAT 5502Sampling Theory and Methods00000