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Clark Course Reviews

Clark University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BCMB 364Biophysical Chemistry00000
BCMB 399Directed Study00000
BCMB 375Protein Chemistry00000
BCMB 366Biomolecular Nmr00000
BCMB 337Chemistry & Biol Of Medicine00000
BCMB 317Research00000
BCMB 237Chemistry & Biol Of Medicine00000
BCMB 131Recombinant Dna00000
BCMB 376Chem'L Bio-Tec & Apps In Rsrch00000
BCMB 372Biochemistry II00000
BCMB 371Biochemistry I00000
BCMB 228Molecular Genetics00000
BCMB 328Molecular Genetics00000
BCMB 299Directed Study00000
BCMB 298Internship00000
BCMB 297Honors00000
BCMB 276Chem'L Bio-Tec & Apps In Rsrch00000
BCMB 275Protein Chemistry00000
BCMB 272Biochemistry II00000
BCMB 271Biochemistry I00000
BCMB 266Biomolecular Nmr00000
BCMB 264Biophysical Chemistry00000