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Clark Course Reviews

Clark University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 040Topics In Discourse11312
PSYC 317Research00000
PSYC 152Adolescent Development00000
PSYC 143Human Sexuality00000
PSYC 120Introduction To Cognition00000
PSYC 105Statistics00000
PSYC 398Internship00000
PSYC 386Tp:Dev'L Persp Food Appearance00000
PSYC 379Ethncty, Race, Cultr/Child Dev00000
PSYC 364Diversity Issues Seminar00000
PSYC 344Clinical Externship00000
PSYC 338Psychotherapy Practicum00000
PSYC 324Advanced Social Psychology00000
PSYC 156Cultural Psychology00000
PSYC 313Assessment Practicum00000
PSYC 310Systems Of Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 306Qualitative Methods00000
PSYC 303Assessment00000
PSYC 301Hist,Theory, Method:Rsch Desgn00000
PSYC 299Directed Study00000
PSYC 297Honors00000
PSYC 291Psychology of Mindfulness00000
PSYC 286Tp:Dev'L Persp Food Appearance00000
PSYC 274Children With Disorders00000
PSYC 265Psychology Of Men00000
PSYC 259Psychotherapies00000
PSYC 240Race And Racism:Theory & Exper00000
PSYC 397Critical Race Theory & Psyc00000
PSYC 387Ethics & Prof Iss Clin Psyc00000
PSYC 365Psychology Of Men00000
PSYC 346Advanced Clinical Practicum00000
PSYC 340Clinical Mini-Practicum00000
PSYC 327Adv. Cognitive Development00000
PSYC 319Adv Tp:Prejudice & Discrim'Ntn00000
PSYC 267Narrative & Friendship00000
PSYC 262Psy Cast: Comm Stigma Rsch00000
PSYC 256Couples & Intimacy00000
PSYC 247Psychology of Music00000
PSYC 243Human Development & Culture00000
PSYC 251Sp Tp:Critical Appr Youth Dev00000
PSYC 235Res Diverse Fam & Sexualities00000
PSYC 231Couples Research00000
PSYC 229Research Devel Lang00000
PSYC 226Research: Men's Mental Health00000
PSYC 224Research on Identity Devlpmnt00000
PSYC 221Research in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 215Rsch on Child Mental Health00000
PSYC 211Fndmnt Appld Rsrch Thru Intern00000
PSYC 207Lab In Cultural Psychology00000
PSYC 203Res Stigma, Intersec, & Health00000
PSYC 173Intro to Abnormal Psychology00000
PSYC 279Ethncty, Race, Cultr/Child Dev00000
PSYC 342Couples Therapy Practicum00000
PSYC 337Advanced Graduate Statistics00000
PSYC 323Social & Emotional Development00000
PSYC 315Cult/Soc Psyc Of Genocides00000
PSYC 311Psychopathology00000
PSYC 308Social Forum00000
PSYC 304Child Assessment00000
PSYC 302Statistical Methods00000
PSYC 300Developmental Forum00000
PSYC 298Internship00000
PSYC 292Capstone00000
PSYC 290Motivation & Self-Regulation00000
PSYC 362Psy Cast: Comm Stigma Rsch00000
PSYC 270Adv Tp:Prejudice & Discrim'Ntn00000
PSYC 264Cult/Soc Psyc Of Genocides00000
PSYC 258Emerging Adults: Teens - 20's00000
PSYC 253Pretend Play & Child Develpmnt00000
PSYC 245True Crime:Gen/Race/Sexuality00000
PSYC 202Lab in Developmental Psyc00000
PSYC 171Soc Psyc Viol, Oppres, Libera00000
PSYC 153Human Dev Across The Lifespan00000
PSYC 144Interpersonal Psychology00000
PSYC 130Psychology of Learning00000
PSYC 108Experimental Methods00000
PSYC 200Lab In Program Evaluation00000
PSYC 246Black Feminism as Praxis00000
PSYC 241Psy Of Resist During Genocide00000
PSYC 239Prosoc Behvr & Collct Action00000
PSYC 232Research in Community00000
PSYC 230Tp: Gender & Body Image00000
PSYC 227Res on Addictive Behaviors00000
PSYC 225Res Collective Victim & Opp00000
PSYC 223Res in Motivational Devlpmnt00000
PSYC 217Rsch Learn, Lang, & Cognition00000
PSYC 213Res on Coll Stu Learning & Dev00000
PSYC 210Research Ideology & Violence00000
PSYC 205Rsrch Child Dev Across Contxts00000
PSYC 070The Pursuit Of Happiness00000
PSYC 170Intro To Social Psychology00000
PSYC 150Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 138Health Psychology00000
PSYC 109Qualitative Methods00000
PSYC 101General Psychology00000
PSYC 020Topics In Men And Emotion00000
PSYC 399Directed Study00000
PSYC 391Psychology of Mindfulness00000
PSYC 389Clinical Workshop00000
PSYC 384Culture & Human Development00000
PSYC 367Narrative & Friendship00000