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Clarkson Course Reviews

Clarkson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CE 569Watershed Analysis00000
CE 302Surveying, Geodetic Control, and Engineering Measurements00000
CE 682Environmental Biological Processes00000
CE 631Cement Chemistry00000
CE 610Civil and Environmenatl Engineering Seminar00000
CE 590Graduate Degree Completion Project00000
CE 584Chemodynamics00000
CE 581Hazardous Waste Management Engineering00000
CE 577Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CE 575Coastal Engineering00000
CE 573Sediment Transport00000
CE 571Computational River Dynamics00000
CE 305Construction Planning and Management00000
CE 556Engineering Analysis00000
CE 552Advanced Strength of Materials00000
CE 538Finite Element Methods00000
CE 533Human Exposure Analysis00000
CE 518Soil Structure Interaction00000
CE 512Structural Dynamics00000
CE 505Project Controls and Lean Methods in Construction00000
CE 496Special Projects in Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CE 491Senior Design (Water Resources, Environmental)00000
CE 482Environmental Systems Analysis Design00000
CE 486Industrial Ecology00000
CE 684Special Topics in Environmental Engineering00000
CE 632Elastic and Inelastic Stress Analysis00000
CE 612Thesis, Dissertation Credits00000
CE 591Special Topics in Construction Engineering Management00000
CE 553Properties and Performance of Concrete Materials00000
CE 535Groundwater Hydrology and Geochemistry00000
CE 520Computational Methods of Structural Analysis00000
CE 513Elastic Waves and Non-Destructive Tests00000
CE 508Building Information Modeling for Construction Prefabricatio...00000
CE 502Applications in Geospatial Analytics, Science, & Engineering00000
CE 495Special Projects in Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CE 478Solid Waste Management and Landfill Design00000
CE 479Water and Wastewater Treatment Design00000
CE 470River Restoration00000
CE 461Transportation Systems Design00000
CE 448Introduction to Architectural Engineering00000
CE 435Groundwater Hydrology and Geochemistry00000
CE 430Water Resources Engineering II00000
CE 411Construction Materials Engineering00000
CE 408Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Intergraded Project...00000
CE 404Applications in Scheduling and Estimating00000
CE 315Geology For Engineers00000
CE 481Hazardous Waste Management Engineering00000
CE 570River Restoration00000
CE 563Railroad Engineering00000
CE 554Continuum Mechanics00000
CE 541Bridge Engineering00000
CE 534Sustainable Development Engineering00000
CE 527Advanced Fluid Mechanics00000
CE 515Foundations, Stability, and Retaining Structures00000
CE 510Sustainable Infrastructure and Building00000
CE 506Advanced Construction Engineering00000
CE 499Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Preperation00000
CE 490Senior Design (Structures, Transportation, Geotechnical, Con...00000
CE 572Advanced Open Channel Hydraulics00000
CE 477Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CE 452Advanced Strength of Materials00000
CE 441Reinforced Concrete Design00000
CE 433Human Exposure Analysis00000
CE 415Foundations, Stability, and Retaining Structures00000
CE 409Fundamentals of Building Systems00000
CE 406Infrastructure Construction00000
CE 380Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering00000
CE 320Structural Analysis00000
CE 310Geotechnical Engineering I: Soil Mechanics00000
CE 212Introduction to Engineering Design00000
CE 463Railroad Engineering00000
CE 453Properties & Performance of Concrete Materials00000
CE 442Steel Design00000
CE 434Sustainable Development Engineering00000
CE 420Computational Methods of Structural Analysis00000
CE 410Sustainable Infrastructure and Building00000
CE 407Introduction to Construction Estimating and Scheduling00000
CE 340Introduction to Environmental Engineering00000
CE 330Water Resources Engineering I00000
CE 313Biogeochemical Earth Systems Science00000
CE 304Introduction to Scheduling and Estimating00000
CE 301Introduction to Geospatial Analysis and Geographic Informati...00000
CE 686Environmental Engineering Design00000
CE 681Environmental Physico-Chemical Processes00000
CE 622Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization in Computational...00000
CE 595Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CE 586Industrial Ecology00000
CE 582Environmental Systems Analysis and Design00000
CE 580Environmental Chemistry00000
CE 579Water and Wastewater Treatment Design00000
CE 576Hydraulic Engineering in Cold Regions00000
CE 574Ecohydraulics00000