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CNU Course Reviews

Christopher Newport University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMST 100The American Experiment00000
AMST 200Evolution-American Experiment00000
AMST 310American Economy in Literature00000
AMST 335WI: Moot Court00000
AMST 350Sex, Law and Society00000
AMST 399IND ST: Bleeding Kansas00000
AMST 499IND ST: Modern Appalachian Mus00000
AMST 120Encounters w/ the Constitution00000
AMST 300The American Exp: Global Infl00000
AMST 330Treason in America00000
AMST 340America at Sea00000
AMST 395SPC TP:American Entreprnrship00000
AMST 490WI: Capstone Sem-Amer Studies00000