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CNU Course Reviews

Christopher Newport University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COMM 325Persuasion00000
COMM 414Adv Relational Communication00000
COMM 452WI: Sr Research in Comm00000
COMM 491Practicum in Communication00000
COMM 201Public Speaking00000
COMM 211Interpersonal Communication00000
COMM 239Argumentation00000
COMM 291Internship in Communication00000
COMM 311Family Communication00000
COMM 315Historical Topics in Media00000
COMM 321WI: Communication and Film00000
COMM 367Contemporary Tpcs Health Comm00000
COMM 333Rhetorical Criticism00000
COMM 340Intercultural Communication00000
COMM 352WI: Philosophy & Communication00000
COMM 365Stress/Health/Human Interactio00000
COMM 370Qualitative Research Methods00000
COMM 411Interpersonal Theory00000
COMM 430WI:Sexuality & Communication00000
COMM 455Critical Media Theory00000
COMM 499IND ST: Feminist Comm Organiza00000
COMM 433Rhetorical Theory00000
COMM 249Introduction to Rhetoric00000
COMM 301Nonverbal Communication00000
COMM 318Quant Rrsch Mthds in Comm00000
COMM 323Listening, Contempltn & Dialog00000
COMM 330Commnctng Gender, Race & Class00000
COMM 335Rhetoric and Politics00000
COMM 350Media Research Methods00000
COMM 366Interpersonal Conflict00000
COMM 395SPC TP: Relationships & Techn00000
COMM 415Rhetoric and Religion00000
COMM 222Media, Culture, and Technology00000
COMM 210Communicating Identity00000
COMM 232Comm through Digital Techn00000
COMM 305First Amndmnt, Culture, & Comm00000
COMM 312Media Aesthetics00000
COMM 320Media Industries00000
COMM 322Communication & Social Media00000
COMM 326Media Audiences00000
COMM 341Rhetoric of Social Movements00000
COMM 360Health & Medical Communication00000