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CofC Course Reviews

College of Charleston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTH 218Art Law: Crime and Punishment00000
ARTH 215Ancient Roman Art00000
ARTH 231Islamic Art and Architecture00000
ARTH 250American Art00000
ARTH 275The History of Land Design00000
ARTH 290ST: African American Art00000
ARTH 306ST: Looking at Pictures: The Gibbes00000
ARTH 340ST: Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality in Ancient Egypt and Be...00000
ARTH 375Ital High/Late Ren Art00000
ARTH 39020th Century European Art00000
ARTH 410Internship in Art and Architectural History00000
ARTH 499Interpreting Race at Historical Sites and Structures in the...00000
ARTH 103Asian Art and Architecture00000
ARTH 102History of Art: Renaissance through Modern00000
ARTH 241Art and Architecture of South Asia00000
ARTH 261Fine and Decorative Arts of Charleston00000
ARTH 277Renaissance Art00000
ARTH 294City and Cinema00000
ARTH 322Indian Painting00000
ARTH 355Early Medieval and Romanesque Art00000
ARTH 365Northern Renaissance Painting00000
ARTH 385European Painting 1700-185000000
ARTH 391Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 415Advanced Seminar in Art and Architectural History00000
ARTH 499BThe Swing as Symbol of Leisure, Pleasure, and Flirtation in...00000
ARTH 565A Global History of Urban Form00000
ARTH 101History of Art: Prehistoric through Medieval00000
ARTH 221Preparing the Museum Professional00000
ARTH 242Art and Architecture of China00000
ARTH 263History of Photography00000
ARTH 278Renaissance & Baroque Arch.00000
ARTH 299Research and Methods in Art History00000
ARTH 335History of American Architecture00000
ARTH 339History of American Interiors00000
ARTH 360Gothic Art00000
ARTH 377Materials & Tech. Ren. Art.00000
ARTH 39418th and 19th Century Architecture00000
ARTH 490Readings in Japanese Woodblock Prints of Edo Period and Late...00000
ARTH 535Architecture and Urbanism of the United States00000
ARTH 105Introduction to Architecture00000
ARTH 214Ancient Greek Art00000
ARTH 225Medieval Art00000
ARTH 243Art and Architecture of Japan00000
ARTH 265The City as a Work of Art00000
ARTH 287New Media in Contemporary Art00000
ARTH 303Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art00000
ARTH 338American Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture00000
ARTH 362Medieval Manuscript Illumination00000
ARTH 38919th Century European Art00000
ARTH 396Architecture of Memory: Museums, Memorials, Monuments00000
ARTH 499AThe swing as a symbol of leisure, pleasure, and flirtation i...00000