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CofC Course Reviews

College of Charleston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCI 114Electronic Publishing and Design55551
CSCI 221LComputer Programming II Laboratory00000
CSCI 370Mobile Application Development00000
CSCI 392Seminar on Computing & Society00000
CSCI 410Automata & Formal Lang00000
CSCI 462Software Engineering Practicum00000
CSCI 490ST: Mobile App Development00000
CSCI 499AComputational Models of Cophylogeny00000
CSCI 110Computer Fluency00000
CSCI 140Graphic Design & Digital Media00000
CSCI 215Website Programming00000
CSCI 220LProgramming I Laboratory00000
CSCI 362Software Engineering00000
CSCI 230Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CSCI 250LMicrocontroller and Assembly Programming Lab00000
CSCI 281Internship00000
CSCI 315Server-Side Web Programming00000
CSCI 340Operating Systems I00000
CSCI 350Digital Logic and Computer Organization00000
CSCI 380User Interface Development00000
CSCI 397Algorithmic Music and Interaction00000
CSCI 440Computer Networks00000
CSCI 470Principles of Artificial Intelligence00000
CSCI 499BComputational Models of Cophylogeny00000
CSCI 390ST: Computational Linguistics00000
CSCI 115Website Design00000
CSCI 180Computers, Music, and Art00000
CSCI 218Engineering Programming00000
CSCI 220Computer Programming I00000
CSCI 221Computer Programming II00000
CSCI 250Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language...00000
CSCI 280Game Programming00000
CSCI 299ST: Digital Illustration and Design00000
CSCI 332Database Concepts00000
CSCI 345Computer and Network Security00000
CSCI 360Software Architecture and Design00000
CSCI 111Introduction to Cybersecurity00000
CSCI 399Charleston Flood Application00000
CSCI 459Service-Oriented Computing00000
CSCI 480Principles of Computer Graphics00000
CSCI 499Algorithmic Music and Interaction00000
CSCI 112Communications Tech/Internet00000
CSCI 120Animation and Virtual Worlds00000
CSCI 199Special Topics in Comput00000
CSCI 218LEngineering Programming Lab00000
CSCI 310Advanced Algorithms00000
CSCI 320Programming Language Concepts00000
CSCI 334Data Mining00000