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CofC Course Reviews

College of Charleston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOL 105Earth History43431
GEOL 103Environmental Geology33341
GEOL 103LEnvironmental Geology Laboratory00000
GEOL 491Geochemical Analysis of Urban Dust and Soils in Charleston P...00000
GEOL 499AMicroplastics and association with algae in storm water pond...00000
GEOL 499Seafloor Mapping for Predicting Deep-Sea Coral Habitat00000
GEOL 333LPaleobiology Laboratory00000
GEOL 397Research Experience in Geology00000
GEOL 402Geospatial Science00000
GEOL 412Crustal Geophysics00000
GEOL 438LHydrogeology Laboratory00000
GEOL 441LPollution in the Environment Laboratory00000
GEOL 449Geographical Information Systems00000
GEOL 460LNASA Space Mission Design Leadership Lab00000
GEOL 469Advanced GIS Environmental and Hazards Modeling00000
GEOL 499BCharacterizing Water Quality of Saginaw Bay Using Satellite...00000
GEOL 312Environmental Field Methods00000
GEOL 492Senior Seminar00000
GEOL 206Planetary Geology00000
GEOL 235Geology and Civilization00000
GEOL 240ST: Dinosaurs and Mass Extinctions00000
GEOL 250LIntroduction to Geochemistry Laboratory00000
GEOL 256Mineralogy and Petrology00000
GEOL 257LMarine Geology Laboratory00000
GEOL 260NASA Space Mission Design00000
GEOL 272Stratigraphy and Sedimentation00000
GEOL 275Geomorphology00000
GEOL 288Global Change: A Geological Perspective00000
GEOL 291LWater Resources Laboratory00000
GEOL 333Paleobiology00000
GEOL 105LEarth History Laboratory00000
GEOL 107Introduction to Coastal and Marine Geology00000
GEOL 213Natural Hazards00000
GEOL 239Introduction to Seafloor Mapping00000
GEOL 250Introduction to Geochemistry00000
GEOL 253Earth Systems Science00000
GEOL 256LMineralogy and Petrology Laboratory00000
GEOL 257Marine Geology00000
GEOL 260LNASA Space Mission Design Lab00000
GEOL 272LStratigraphy and Sedimentation Laboratory00000
GEOL 275LGeomorphology Laboratory00000
GEOL 291Water Resources00000
GEOL 303The Efficacy of Mercury as a paleoecological Indicator00000
GEOL 495ST: Advanced GIS00000
GEOL 339Seafloor Research00000
GEOL 352Structural Geology00000
GEOL 352LStructural Geology Lab00000
GEOL 385Internship00000
GEOL 395ST: Applied Paleontology00000
GEOL 399Studying Dinosaur Biology00000
GEOL 402LGeospatial Science Lab00000
GEOL 438Hydrogeology00000
GEOL 441Pollution in the Environment00000
GEOL 442Geological Application of Remote Sensing00000
GEOL 442LGeolog App Remote Sensing Lab00000
GEOL 449LGeographical Information Systems Laboratory00000
GEOL 469LAdvanced GIS Lab00000