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Colgate Course Reviews

Colgate University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 391Ind: Advanced Painting00000
ARTS 221Video Art00000
ARTS 216Nature's Mirror: Art 1400-155000000
ARTS 211ZDrawing00000
ARTS 209Art & Politics:Venice/Milan ES00000
ARTS 205Landscape 19th Cent Europe00000
ARTS 115Islamic Art and The World00000
ARTS 107What is Modern Art?00000
ARTS 105Introduction to Architecture00000
ARTS 100Introduction to Studio Art00000
ARTS 475Senior Project: Art History00000
ARTS 222LRequired Film Screening00000
ARTS 381Sem:Pre-1300:Pre-Mod Fashion00000
ARTS 363War and Plunder00000
ARTS 355Photography & Political Conf00000
ARTS 354ZPrintmaking II00000
ARTS 344Hindu Temple Architecture00000
ARTS 332ZPainting II00000
ARTS 311Arts in Venice Golden Age/SG00000
ARTS 288Hist & Theory of Photo Image00000
ARTS 280Visual Culture of Fascism00000
ARTS 275Amer Campus Architect:Colgate00000
ARTS 287LRequired Film Screening00000
ARTS 491Ind: The Branding Impact00000
ARTS 406ZSenior Project: Studio Art00000
ARTS 383Sem/after1800:Scand,Contro,Deb00000
ARTS 370Critical Museum Theory00000
ARTS 362Advanced Social Practice Art00000
ARTS 360Borderlands00000
ARTS 348Modern Art on Display00000
ARTS 342Advanced Photography00000
ARTS 312ZDrawing II00000
ARTS 302AdvDigStud:Interactivity&Narra00000
ARTS 270Critical Museum Theory00000
ARTS 274Sustainability in Arch Design00000
ARTS 264ZSculpture: Material & Process00000
ARTS 260Social Practice Art00000
ARTS 250Native Art of N America00000
ARTS 246From Emperors to Anime00000
ARTS 243Art & Theory 1980 to Present00000
ARTS 240Art and Theory 1960-199000000
ARTS 231ZIndp: Painting I00000
ARTS 223LRequired Film Screening00000
ARTS 238Transatlantic Avant-Gardes00000
ARTS 312Advanced Drawing00000
ARTS 291Ind: Digital Art00000
ARTS 287History & Theory of Cinema00000
ARTS 277Modern Architecture 1880-197000000
ARTS 271Architectur Design:Sustainable00000
ARTS 264Sculpture: Material & Process00000
ARTS 255Museum Exhib: Design, Rhetoric00000
ARTS 249Art/Architect-Ancient Americas00000
ARTS 245Palaces and Paintings00000
ARTS 242Digital Photography00000
ARTS 340Contemporary Native Amer Art00000
ARTS 231Painting00000
ARTS 223Analogue Filmmaking00000
ARTS 221LRequired Film Screening00000
ARTS 212ZDestroying Images00000
ARTS 211Drawing00000
ARTS 207Roman Art00000
ARTS 202Digit Stud:Distrib & Intervent00000
ARTS 110Global Contemporary Art00000
ARTS 105ZIntroduction to Architecture00000
ARTS 210Contemp Art & Polt in M. East00000
ARTS 263Sculpture: Surface & Form00000
ARTS 251Printmaking00000
ARTS 248African Art00000
ARTS 244Housing the Sacred/India00000
ARTS 241Analog Photography00000
ARTS 236Art and Politics in 19th Cent00000
ARTS 226Nature's Order: Arts 1550-175000000
ARTS 222Video Art: Image Recycling00000
ARTS 220Early Modern Euro Architecture00000
ARTS 212Destroying Images00000
ARTS 101Caves to Cathedrals00000
ARTS 206What the Hand Knows00000
ARTS 201Dig Stud:Code, Recipes, Spells00000
ARTS 108Lost in Tibet?: Buddhist Art00000
ARTS 103Arts of Asia (AH)00000
ARTS 499Advanced Studies for Honors00000
ARTS 406Senior Project: Studio Art00000
ARTS 375Adv Projects in Studio Art00000
ARTS 361Boundary Consciousness: 1960s00000
ARTS 346Latin Amer Mdrnism, 1922-196800000