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Colgate Course Reviews

Colgate University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 305Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIOL 341Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 337Cancer Biology00000
BIOL 335LLimnology Lab00000
BIOL 332Tropical Ecology00000
BIOL 330Conservation Biology00000
BIOL 328Field Ecology00000
BIOL 320Biostatistics00000
BIOL 318Vertebrate Physiology00000
BIOL 313LMicrobiology Lab00000
BIOL 311LComparative Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 310Epidemiology00000
BIOL 306Medical and Forensic Botany00000
BIOL 341EMarine Mammals-Cognitn, Behav00000
BIOL 301LParasitology Lab00000
BIOL 300Infection & Immunity/SG00000
BIOL 206LOrganismal Biology Lab00000
BIOL 205LCell Biology Lab00000
BIOL 204LMolecular Biology Lab00000
BIOL 203Ecology00000
BIOL 202Genetics00000
BIOL 202LGenetics Lab00000
BIOL 201Evolution00000
BIOL 182Molecules, Cells & Genes00000
BIOL 181LEvoln, Ecol, Diversity Lab00000
BIOL 475Molecular Analysis-Development00000
BIOL 593Vertebrate Physiology00000
BIOL 592LBiostatistics Lab00000
BIOL 591Ecology00000
BIOL 491Indp: Cancer Inhibition00000
BIOL 488Investign Terrestrial Ecology00000
BIOL 487Advanced Aquatic Ecology00000
BIOL 485Experimental Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 484Cell Responses-Viral Infect00000
BIOL 482Adaptation to Environment00000
BIOL 480Cell Cycle Regulation00000
BIOL 478ZInd: Animal System & Phylogeny00000
BIOL 477Molec Control Neural Devel00000
BIOL 101Topics in Organismal Biology00000
BIOL 407Biology of Stem Cells00000
BIOL 393Study Group Research/NIH00000
BIOL 391Indp: Swainson's Hawks00000
BIOL 385LNeuroethology Lab00000
BIOL 384Neurophysiology00000
BIOL 374Immunology00000
BIOL 373Virology00000
BIOL 359LEcosystem Ecology Lab00000
BIOL 356LDevelopmental Biology Lab00000
BIOL 355LAdvOrgBio Lab:Ornithology00000
BIOL 351AdvCellPhysio:Disease of Nerve00000
BIOL 305LVertebrate Zoology Lab00000
BIOL 350Biophysics00000
BIOL 341LAnimal Behavior Lab00000
BIOL 340Marine Biology00000
BIOL 335Limnology00000
BIOL 332ETropical Ecology Extend Study00000
BIOL 328ETopics in Conv:Patagonia Chile00000
BIOL 320LBiostatistics Lab00000
BIOL 318LVertebrate Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 316Bioinformatics00000
BIOL 313Microbiology00000
BIOL 311Comparative Physiology00000
BIOL 306LMedical & Forensic Botany Lab00000
BIOL 355Adv Top Org Bio: Ornithology00000
BIOL 302Systems Biology00000
BIOL 301Parasitology00000
BIOL 291Indp: Pheretimoid Earthworms00000
BIOL 206Organismal Biology00000
BIOL 205Cell Biology00000
BIOL 204Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 203LEcology Lab00000
BIOL 202ZGenetics00000
BIOL 201LEvolution Lab00000
BIOL 182LMolecules, Cells, Genes Lab00000
BIOL 181Evolution, Ecology, Diversity00000
BIOL 478Animal Systematics & Phylogeny00000
BIOL 593LVertebrate Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 592Biostatistics00000
BIOL 591LEcology Lab00000
BIOL 493Study Group Research/NIH00000
BIOL 489Plant Physiological Ecology00000
BIOL 488ZIndp: Investign Terrestr Ecol00000
BIOL 486Eukaryotic Molec Genetics00000
BIOL 485ZExperimental Animal Behavior00000
BIOL 483Investigating the Microbiome00000
BIOL 481Modeling of Biological Systems00000
BIOL 479ZInvestigatn Evolutionary Ecol00000
BIOL 102Topics in Human Health00000
BIOL 476Biodiversity/Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOL 474Global Health Epidemiology00000
BIOL 407LBiology of Stem Cells Lab00000
BIOL 392Topics-Molec Biosciences/NIH00000
BIOL 389Molecular Neurobiology00000
BIOL 385Neuroethology00000
BIOL 375Advanced Genetics00000
BIOL 373LVirology Lab00000
BIOL 361Biochem of Gene Expression00000
BIOL 359Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIOL 356Developmental Biology00000