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Colgate Course Reviews

Colgate University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CLAS 253Excavating Greeks in S. Italy00000
CLAS 490Honors: Sidney & the Pastoral00000
CLAS 253EExcavating Greek in S. Italy00000
CLAS 250Ancient Roman City00000
CLAS 236XGreek History/FLAC-Greek00000
CLAS 235Archaeology of Italy00000
CLAS 233Greek Art00000
CLAS 230Classical Mythology00000
CLAS 222The Tragic and Comic Muse00000
CLAS 220Drama and the Greeks!00000
CLAS 208Lost Languages & Decipherments00000
CLAS 401Senior Seminar in the Classics00000
CLAS 220LDrama and the Greeks! Lab00000
CLAS 237Roman History00000
CLAS 491Ind: Ovid's Fasti00000
CLAS 365EFreedom, Tyranny & Philosophy00000
CLAS 250EAncient Roman City/Ext Study00000
CLAS 240World Archaeology00000
CLAS 236Greek History00000
CLAS 234Archaeology of Greece00000
CLAS 232Sexuality & Gender Greece/Rome00000
CLAS 223Sports and Spectacles00000
CLAS 221The Epic Voice & Its Echoes00000